Last Updated on November 16, 2023 by Cathy

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a hard disease to live with, you never know what tomorrow will bring. There currently is no cure but that doesn’t mean stopping the progression of MS is impossible.
MS is caused by chronic inflammation. Many factors including genetic predisposition and environmental factors trigger MS. Genetics plays a small role, it’s environmental factors that are the main cause.
Researchers recently released a 20-year study that found Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the main factor. But, it’s not alone. Something else is involved but they aren’t sure exactly what. Until they find out, you need to do everything you can to stop the progression of your MS.
This article is a continuation of last week. If you missed last week’s here is a link: Can MS be stopped?
Stopping the progression of MS is going to be hard and it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work. But don’t get discouraged. Stay motivated and believe you will heal!

Eat an Anti-inflammatory Diet
The first thing you need to do is to start an anti-inflammation diet. Stop eating heavily processed foods that have unrecognizable ingredients. No more fast-food restaurants, pizza deliveries, potato chips, doughnuts, or coffeehouses.
It is time to start feeding your body foods that fight diseases and not promote diseases.
Next, remove any foods your body is having a bad reaction to. Such as acne, bloating, headaches, heartburn, gas, and rashes. Removing these foods it’s allowing your immune system to not be on high alert all the time.
You may need to start an elimination diet to find these foods. This is how I discovered I was sensitive to chipotle, sweet peppers, and tomatoes. These are all in the nightshade family. Nightshades are often problematic for people with an autoimmune disease.
If you are still struggling to try to find which foods are causing the problem. Ask your doctor for an IgG antibody food sensitivity test. This is not a food allergy test that can be life-threatening. Otherwise, use at-home tests such as Everlywell or 5Strands.
Candida feeds on sugar so it’s important to eat a diet that’s low in carbohydrates. Some people track their blood sugar levels using a blood glucose meter. I don’t find that’s really necessary.
An A1C blood test is a simple test that measures your average blood sugar levels from the past 3 months. My son is a type 1 diabetic so he has his A1C checked every three months. This isn’t something you need to do unless you’re a diabetic. However, I do get an A1C blood test occasionally to track it, you can see my results below.

If you would like to get your A1C tested ask your doctor or use an online lab like Walk-In Lab. An optimal level is 5.4 or lower.
What to Avoid and Eat for Candida
Candida feeds on sugar so avoid foods that are high in sugar like mangos and cherries. You also need to lower your stress since Candida feeds on blood sugar. Stress increases your blood sugar. level.
Other foods to avoid include:
- Alcohol
- Dairy
- Grains
- Peanuts
- Processed foods
- Sugar
Some books and blogs recommend avoiding mushrooms with candida. But, there are no studies proving this. Plus, some mushrooms are very nutritious such as shiitake mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms are known to benefit MS, reishi are good for the heart, and crimini mushrooms are a powerful anti-inflammatory.
You will also need to take a good antifungal supplement. However, there are many to choose from making it hard to know which one is best. Find a reputable company and read the ingredients. Solaray Yeast-Cleanse contains powerful antifungals. Such as caprylic acid, pau d’arco, grapefruit seed extract, and garlic.
Stopping MS and reversing MS symptoms seems impossible but it can happen. Three months after I started my heat intolerance I suffered from for about twenty years disappeared!
To learn more read How I Reversed My Heat Intolerance.
Avoid dairy, because a dairy protein (casein) closely resembles myelin proteins. The immune system gets confused and attacks the myelin instead of casein. Studies found women who drink more cow’s milk have more MS flares. And countries that consume more dairy have higher rates of MS.
Best Foods to Eat

Eat lots of vegetables especially ones from the allium family. They are antioxidants, antimicrobials, anti-Inflammatories, and antifungals. Plus, they have a liver-cleansing ability to pull toxins out of the bloodstream. Eating a mostly plant-based diet is your best option for stopping MS from progressing.
Allium vegetables include:
- Chives
- Garlic
- Leeks
- Onions
- Shallots
- Scallions
Cruciferous vegetables are another good choice when it comes to inflammation and candida. They contain fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are important to your health. They also have antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Cruciferous vegetables include:
- Arugula
- Asparagus
- Bok choy
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Collard greens
- Kale
- Mustard greens
- Radish
- Rutabaga
- Turnips
- Watercress
Healthy fats such as avocados, extra virgin olive oil, and fatty fish such as salmon are also good. They contain anti-inflammatory fatty acids. These are good for your brain and myelin (the protective coating around nerves). I like to take Omega Plus which contains both anti-inflammatory EPA and DHA fatty acids.
Include herbs and spices for their healing powers. Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory along with clove, nutmeg, and oregano. Add these herbs and spics to every meal, including smoothies.
Berries such as blueberries and raspberries are like nature’s candy. Fortunately, they are low in sugar so they are a good treat while on a candida diet. They contain antioxidants, are anti-inflammatory, are rich in fiber, and reduce inflammation.
Best of all, berries are good for your brain health.
Enjoy a small bowl of mixed berries each night. Include some slivered almonds or walnuts. It can be tempting to eat a lot but don’t do it. A little is good, a lot is not.
Getting Back Into Balance
Yeast is a normal part of your gut. The good bacteria, bad bacteria, and yeast live together in a balanced environment. When that environment gets disrupted through antibiotics or such it changes the environment.
Fermented foods. Don’t eat tons of fermented foods every day. Start slowly as you are feeling better you can increase them. Add sprouts, herbs, and spices. Coconut contains auric acid and caprylic acid that have anti-fungal properties
When you are working on getting back your gut health you’re not killing the yeast entirely. You want it back to a healthy level. How you do that depends on what you eat and your lifestyle habits. If you’re eating a healthy diet but you’re always stressed this will not help.
Researchers discovered people with MS have more bad gut bacteria than healthy people.
The Truth Behind Stopping MS

A genetic predisposition and environmental factors cause MS. You can’t change your genetics but you can change your gene expression by living a healthy lifestyle. Plus, genetics plays a small role.
Researchers discovered this when they studied identical twins. One would have MS while the other didn’t. If they have identical genes, they would both have MS. The main reason you have MS is due to your lifestyle.
Something you did, like a poor diet, or were unknowingly exposed to, like EBV, caused your MS. This is good news because it gives you the chance to do something about it.
How to reverse MS:
- Eat a healthy diet
- Exercise, I like to use OptimalBody Personal Fitness
- Get plenty of sleep
- Balance your hormones like vitamin D
- Remove infections such as EBV and fungi
- Improve your gut health
- Remove toxins such as chemicals and pesticides
- Lower your stress
- Believe you will heal
Quick Links To Information In This Post:
Get your family involved so they can back you up and encourage you. Support makes a huge difference. If you don’t have support, tell them you are doing this for your health. Stopping MS is your main priority.
Stopping MS from progressing is possible.
Identifying the causes that triggered your MS will give you the power to make changes. Changing your lifestyle habits for the better will make a huge difference in your health.
You can do this!

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Photo by Mikhail Nilov and Wendy Wei from Pexels, congerdesign from Pixabay.
The Truth Behind Stopping MS