Last Updated on January 30, 2025 by Cathy

Mercury is a heavy metal that was once believed to be a trigger of multiple sclerosis (MS). I say ‘once’ because after further studies researchers changed their minds claiming there isn’t enough data.
Over the years, there have been many theories suggested as the cause of MS, and many of these have been disproven. Disproven theories include:
Exposure to the heavy metals (mercury)
– National MS Society
However, mercury and other heavy metals like aluminum and lead can build up in your body. Mercury affects the central nervous system by inhibiting nerve growth. And if you’re genetically susceptible or your body has a hard time detoxing it makes you more vulnerable.
Neurologist Dr. Robert Nash believes the “effects of this toxic chemical spread across a broad spectrum of diseases” including neurodegenerative diseases. Neurodegenerative diseases include Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, MS, and Parkinson’s disease.
These diseases destroy the neurons which are the building blocks of the nervous system and spinal cord. Dr. Nash claims 85% of mercury vapors from amalgam fillings are deposited into the brain.
In my practice, I have seen the benefits of detoxifying from mercury. My patients have recovered from dementia, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, heart failure, diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis, depression, autoimmune diseases like colitis and rheumatoid arthritis, and many other problems. Of course, that doesn’t mean that mercury is THE cause of these conditions, but simply one of the many causes that has to be considered.
– Mark Hyman, M.D.
The National MS Society doesn’t believe mercury is a possible trigger of MS but…
What is mercury?
Mercury is a heavy metal that is liquid when at room temperature. It is in thermometers, fluorescent lights, and vaccines. In 2002, the U.S. Senate passed legislation to phase out the sale of mercury thermometers.
Mercury is highly toxic. Especially to the developing brain during pregnancy, infancy, and childhood. Although, mercury is still commonly used in medicine. Such as topical antiseptics, dental amalgams, and vaccines known as thiomersal.
Since the 1930s vaccines included thiomersal to prevent bacterial or fungal growth. Contact lens solutions, cosmetics, eye drops, and tattoo inks also include thiomersal.
According to the NACDG, thiomersal is the fifth most common allergen. The European Union and a few other countries stopped using it in childhood vaccines due to fear.
The FDA is working on reducing thimerosal from all vaccines, especially childhood vaccines. But according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), thimerosal is safe to use.
Thimerosal has a different form of mercury (ethylmercury) than the kind that causes mercury poisoning (methylmercury). It’s safe to use ethylmercury in vaccines because it’s processed differently in the body and it’s less likely to build up in the body.
– Centers for Disease Control
Wikipedia states “This compound is a well-established antiseptic and antifungal agent.” It also states that thimerosal is “very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin.”
Mercury compounds are readily absorbed through the skin on topical application and tend to accumulate in the body. They may cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, or neurotoxic manifestations.
– The Food and Drug Administration
Neurotoxicity produces a harmful effect on the central nervous system. It kills neurons which are cells that send signals to the brain and other parts of the nervous system. There are a lot of conflicting agreements on whether thiomersal is safe for the body or not. But, in my personal opinion, I don’t believe any heavy metals should be in the body, especially in the brain.
Mercury Exposure
Since mercury is so toxic, it’s amazing how often we’re exposed to it. Once exposed, mercury moves throughout the body. Including the bloodstream, organs, nervous system, and brain.
How mercury exposure happens:
- Cosmetics
- Dental amalgam (silver fillings)
- Fish
- Fluorescent lights
- Industrial pollution
- Processed foods
- Vaccines
I follow the book Healing Multiple Sclerosis by Ann Boroch. It is a protocol to remove yeast overgrowth, parasites, and heavy metals. I also took supplements following Ann’s suggestion. But, I combined it with the Wahls Protocol for my diet since it’s nutrient-dense.
When I decided to get tested for heavy metals I was hoping there weren’t any in my system. When my results showed up I was clear of all heavy metals except for a “medium” amount of mercury.
I found that a little odd since I was avoiding fish that was higher in mercury like king mackerel and tuna. And I hadn’t had any recent vaccines. As I did more research I realized where my mercury exposure was coming from. – It was right above my head.
My exposure was coming from fluorescent lights. I grew up in a house, went to school, and worked in buildings with fluorescent lights. Even my current home (it’s an older home) has fluorescent lights in the kitchen!
Foods that Remove Mercury from Your Body
Some foods have a compound called selenium which helps the body to detox chemicals. It attracts and binds onto mercury and neutralizes it. It’s important to eat a variety of foods to get the recommended amounts.
Selenium increases antioxidant capabilities and protects your body from free radical damage. This is extremely important when you are dealing with chronic inflammation and MS.
Foods with selenium and to reduce mercury from your body:
- Brazil nuts
- Broccoli
- Cilantro
- Freshwater algae
- Grass-fed beef
- Mushrooms
- Organ meats
- Parsley
- Seeds
- Spinach
Quick Links To Information In This Post:
MS and Candida Overgrowth
What is the Wahls Protocol?
Does Spirulina Benefit MS?
Freshwater Algae
Spirulina is a powerful heavy metal chelating agent. These freshwater algae are loaded with nutrients. But, they are also controversial if you have an autoimmune disease. Dr. Sarah Ballantyne (aka The Paleo Mom) and Dr. Andrew Weil tell patients to avoid taking them. But, Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and Dr. Terry Wahls tell patients to take it.
This left me very confused but I decided to go ahead and try them since Dr. Terry Wahls also had MS. The very next day my hands and feet were no longer red! I’m not sure what happened so I contacted my functional medicine doctor. He said it could be due to the magnesium, minerals, sulfur, protein, or pH of my system. In other words – who knows?
If you decide to try spirulina make sure it’s organic and from a reputable company. Do not buy one that’s from Japan due to radiation concerns. You should also rotate and take a break from them because they absorb toxins. By doing so you’ll lower your risks of toxins.
Flush Out The Toxins
Drinking lots of water will help your body flush heavy metals and other toxins. This can be hard if you suffer from bladder issues but it’s essential. In the beginning, you may be making more trips to the bathroom but it is worth the benefits.

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