Last Updated on December 7, 2023 by Cathy

If you want to start the Paleo Diet but are not sure where to begin, then you’re in luck, I’m here to help you! If you are currently on the Standard American Diet and want to start the paleo lifestyle by avoiding processed foods, it can seem a little overwhelming but it doesn’t have to.
There are many different versions of the paleo diet, it depends on what your goal is as to which version to do. Since you are here, obviously you are wanting to improve your health. You will want to eat a highly nutrient-dense diet so your body can begin to heal.
A highly nutrient-dense diet sounds boring but you will be amazed at how many foods there are that are extremely delicious. One thing to know, what works for one person may not work for you, you will need to tweak your approach to this new paleo lifestyle to fit YOUR needs.
Many people have sensitivities to foods that are allowed on the paleo diet. Some of these are nightshades, nuts, citrus foods, strawberries, etc. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to your body and tailor the diet to work for you. You may need to seek the help of a doctor or nutritionist for added advice.
So What Is “Paleo” Anyway?
The Paleo Diet is what our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic era, also known as the “caveman diet.” Dr. Loren Cordain coined the term “paleo” It’s a diet with no processed foods or refined sugars that have little to no nutritional value. This is a diet based on natural REAL FOOD such as vegetables, proteins, fruits, nuts, seeds, and good quality fats.
More and more people are getting sick and being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease every year! While on the Paleo Diet, you will be making healthy choices by putting food into your body that provides vitamins and minerals that your body desperately needs.
Again, everyone is different so you need to pay attention to your body if you discover your body is sensitive to a certain food item – stop eating it! Even if it’s a food item that’s “allowed” you need to stop eating it so your body can heal.
So What Should I Avoid?
You need to avoid foods that cause damage to your body. The biggest culprits are grains and dairy, but for many people with autoimmune diseases, there are many problematic foods including hidden allergies and/or sensitives to food.
As your immune system is in constant battle with chronic inflammation your gut develops what’s called a leaky gut. A leaky gut then allows toxins to pass into your intestines and into your bloodstream. The Paleo Diet allows the inflammation to calm down so your leaky gut can tighten to keep out toxins, your body is then able to start healing itself.
Foods You Need to Avoid:
- Gluten/Grains
- Dairy
- Legumes
- Refined Sugar
- Processed Foods
- Refined and Processed Fats
- Soda and Energy Drinks
What’s Left That I Can Eat?
You will be amazed by the huge variety and delicious foods you will be eating. You will begin to notice that those fast food restaurants no longer smell good but instead smell greasy and gross.
Buy organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible. If that’s not always possible, check out the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list. These fruits and vegetables have the most pesticides, so try to buy organic as often as possible.
- Vegetables
All vegetables are allowed except corn, green beans, peas, and potatoes. - Fruit
All fruits are allowed, berries are best for their antioxidants and lower sugar content. - Meats and Organ Meats
Grass-fed and finished meats/organ meats, and game meats. - Poultry
Organic pasture-raised. - Seafood and Sea Vegetables
Wild-caught fish. - Nuts and Seeds
- Except for peanuts, they are a legume.
- Healthy Oils
- Avocado oil, coconut oil, macadamia oil, olive oil, palm oil, sesame oil, tallow, and walnut oil.
- Animal Fats
- Lard, tallow, nitrate-free bacon fat, and duck fat from grass-fed animals.
- Herbs and Spices
- All herbs and spices are okay.
- Liquids
- Almond milk, coconut milk, coconut water, herbal teas, mineral water, water.
- Snacks
- It’s also important to always keep healthy snacks on hand especially when you’re leaving the house. If you’re out and about and get hungry with nothing to eat, it will be too tempting to stop and grab something harmful to your body. You can always keep a Lara Bar in your purse, car, or desk for such emergencies.
How Do I Start?
Now that you have an idea of what to eat and what not to eat, it’s time to clean out your refrigerator and pantry. You need to either give it away or throw it out if an item hasn’t been opened and it hasn’t expired yet, give it to your local food bank. Otherwise, throw it away, if you keep it – it will be too tempting to eat!
As you are removing processed items and replacing them with nutritious paleo foods, you will notice your pantry getting smaller and your refrigerator getting fuller. That’s because you are now eating foods that spoil and aren’t full of preservatives.
Meal Planning
You need to start planning your meals ahead of time especially when you’re first starting. You also want to keep from falling into a rut of always eating the same thing, you will get bored with it plus it’s not healthy for getting all your nutrients.
Grocery List
Once you have your weekly meal plan it will make it easier to shop for food using your new ingredients. I like to shop at three different stores, for the lowest prices, so I make three different shopping lists. Find out what works best for you!
With so many staple ingredients “not allowed” like flour, dairy, sugar, and vegetable oils. It can get kind of confusing as to what paleo substitutes you should be using instead and still make delicious meals. Check out Easy Paleo Substitutes for helpful tips.

It’s Time to Start!
Remember, you are trying to heal your body so you want to eat vegetables as your main meal. You also don’t want to eat a lot of “paleo treats” because part of your healing is reducing sugar including natural sugars. Don’t try to over-complicate your new way of eating. You don’t always have to stick to recipes, experiment, and have fun!

How to Start the Paleo Diet
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How to Start the Paleo Diet