Last Updated on December 3, 2023 by Cathy
Have you been eating a healthy diet with no processed foods or sugar but still aren’t feeling well? You could have a food sensitivity. Even “healthy foods” can cause problems if you are sensitive to them. After repeated exposure to these foods they eventually cause chronic inflammation in your body.
If you don’t remove these foods your body is always on guard which slows down your healing process. Eggs have always bothered me, even when I was a child. I didn’t understand why so I continued to eat them not knowing they were harming my body.
Having a leaky gut is one of the main reasons for having food sensitivities. A leaky gut happens when the gut lining becomes damaged. It creates openings for undigested food particles and toxins to pass through.
Other possible causes for a leaky gut is poor gut flora, pesticides, chemicals, and chronic stress. Your immune system then becomes strained leaving it unable to react properly. Unlike food allergies where there is an immediate reaction. Food sensitivities can either cause an immediate or delayed reaction.
Because of this, it is sometimes hard to know which food caused the problem. That’s why it is important to do an elimination diet and keep track of the food you are eating. You can find a Food Intolerance Log at the bottom of this post. First, you remove the food item from your diet for at least two weeks, one month is better. Then reintroduce it back and watch for ANY reactions. This is how I discovered I was sensitive to tomatoes, bell peppers, and chipotle. That’s when I stopped eating ALL nightshades.
Food sensitivity symptoms may include:
Gut pains
Joint pain
Muscle aches
Antibiotics and gut health
Your gut is home to a delicate balance of both good and bad bacteria. But when you take an antibiotic you’re wiping out the bad and the beneficial bacteria as well. Poor gut flora can lead to food sensitivities and multiple sclerosis (MS).
If you are needing to go on an antibiotic it is important to eat more fermented foods and take a probiotic. If you take the antibiotic in the morning then take the probiotic in the evening.
Health Setback
This past year was a tough year for me, I had set back after a setback. In January I caught the flu from my husband. Since I have MS the high temperature brought on a temporary flare to where I could barely move my legs. In May I got an eye infection that wouldn’t clear up so I eventually went to visit an ophthalmologist.
I try to avoid antibiotics as much as possible. But when my ophthalmologist told me I needed to be an antibiotic I didn’t want to risk hurting my eyesight. Which was already bothering me from the infection. Then my face started to break out, which I hate!
One month later I tripped over my dog, who snuck up behind me causing me to fall and break my collarbone. The next day I started getting a rash on my face where I bruised my chin. I thought it would clear up but it kept getting worse. I thought it was stress but everything I tried to get it to clear up kept getting worse. Which was stressing me out more, it was a vicious cycle.
Can you test for food sensitivities?
When I first started using food as my medicine I wanted to get a food sensitivity test. But they were extremely expensive (this was over 14 years ago), so I didn’t purchase one. Today, there are MANY affordable companies that test for food and environmental sensitivities.
Food sensitivity testing is not always recommended by some doctors. But, I was sure something I was eating wasn’t agreeing with me but I could not pinpoint what the problem was. I already did an elimination diet years ago on common food sensitivities so I decided to dig a little deeper.
For one month I eliminated all meats and reintroduced them one at a time, but nothing noticeable. Then I tried nuts (again) – nothing. Then lemons and limes (citrus) – again nothing. I did notice, whenever I would go on a bone broth fast and the rash would get better. Then I would start eating again and the rash would get worse, so I knew it was food-related. – It was driving me crazy.
Hair Analysis Test
Eventually, I saw an awesome sale for a hair analysis test. It checked for both food and environmental sensitivities. I could not pass it up and ordered it immediately. I was hoping it would give me the answer I was looking for – that hidden food sensitivity.
The company I used for my hair analysis test was called The Allergy Testing Company. My functional medicine doctor wasn’t too sure about them but they did a good job with me.
The test was extremely easy, you cut a few strands of hair as close to your scalp as possible and mail it in. In less than two weeks I received my results and it was shocking to see what my hidden high sensitivity was. – Coconut and arugula!
I’m also moderately sensitive to avocados, I have been eating all three of these foods EVERY DAY. No wonder my body was reacting the way it was. It is possible that in time I may have discovered the coconut and avocado. However, I would have never thought of testing a leafy green.
Hair analysis test for health
The test also included environmental sensitivities. The penicillin I already knew about and the others I wasn’t too worried about. A beetle and a moth? (See picture below.) The only vitamin or mineral I was deficient in was potassium. I’ll just add more spinach and a green banana to my smoothie each day.
My two biggest concerns are a higher level of mercury which isn’t from amalgam (silver fillings). Also, a low level of cortisol due to years of chronic stress. When constantly stressed your adrenal glands are always producing the stress hormone cortisol.
Eventually, the adrenal glands begin to wear out. Also known as adrenal fatigue, adrenal insufficiency or Addison’s disease. Your adrenal glands also produce the hormone Aldosterone. This helps to keep the potassium and sodium in your blood balanced.
Quick Links to information in this post:
How to Start an Elimination Diet
What are nightshades?
How to Use a Comfrey Poultice to Heal a Broken Bone
Adrenal Fatigue and Multiple Sclerosis
Food Sensitivity Signs
It’s amazing how your body sends you signals that something is wrong, even if it is small. I’m not sure if I’ve always been sensitive to coconut, avocados, and arugula. But I do believe it was the antibiotic that set this in motion since that’s when this all started.
Food Sensitivity Tracking
I do recommend getting a hair analysis test. It would be nice to know your sensitivities sooner rather than months or even years later. Plus, it’s nice to see the other areas you may need to work on.
Food Intolerance Log
Get the password for the library with my Food Intolerance Log and MANY others here by filling out this form: