Last Updated on August 21, 2023 by Cathy

Chronic inflammation affecting the central nervous system causes multiple sclerosis (MS). There is no cure for MS but that doesn’t mean there’s no hope either. Instead of letting fear take you over discover the secrets to beat chronic inflammation and get your life back.
Unfortunately, doctors will expect you to begin taking drug-modified therapies (DMTs) for MS. It is not necessary to start one right away, tell your doctor you want to research it and think about it. DMTs do NOT stop the progression of MS, if they work they only slow the disease process down. They also cause harm like heart and liver damage, brain disease, and death. (Make sure you research the drug before starting to take it.)
Using natural methods not only slows the disease but also relieves your symptoms. Everyone is different so don’t compare yourself with others. How quickly you heal depends on how toxic your body is. If you have a lot of neurological damage it could take longer but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
It’s time to take charge of your health and beat chronic inflammation. With the right knowledge and lifestyle adjustments, you can regain control and experience the relief you deserve. Don’t let inflammation hold you back any longer, discover effective techniques and natural remedies to beat chronic inflammation and enjoy a healthier, happier life!
MS Diets

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There are many diets for MS and I’ve been on several of these. They are all beneficial and each one has helped many people. What I discovered is, there is no perfect diet. The key is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices.
Anti-inflammatory foods include:
- Vegetables
- Leafy greens
- Fruit
- Herbs
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Healthy oils
- Wild-caught fish
- Pasture-raised poultry
- Grass-fed meats
Several years ago I read the books The Blue Zones and The China Study. I also read a study called the Nurses’ Health Study. All three had something in common and that was how people live to a healthy old age.
In the end, that’s your goal too.
The difference is, your body is full of pathogens and toxins. Not only do you need to eat healthy, you need to get these out of your system. It’s not going to be easy, especially if you’ve been living with MS for a long time or your symptoms are severe. But, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. I reversed my heat intolerance after suffering from it for about 20 years.
It is possible!
What you eat and how you live your life will affect the outcome of your quality of life. You don’t need to cut the following foods out of your diet all at once. It’s best to do a few so you don’t feel overwhelmed. For example, stop drinking soda and eating junk food first. Then move on to removing gluten or dairy.
Foods to avoid:
- Dairy (including whey)
- Gluten
- Refined sugar
- Artificial flavors and sweeteners
- Natural flavors
- Corn (it’s mostly a GMO)
- Soy (it’s mostly a GMO)
- Canola oil (it’s mostly a GMO)
- Pork (it’s high in fat and prone to parasites)
- Farmed fish (it’s washed in toxic chemicals due to parasites)
- Citric acid (processed citric acid is mostly derived from corn)
While you’re healing you should avoid these foods (you can add them back after your body has healed):
- Beans, chickpeas, and lentils aren’t bad foods but they aren’t healing foods either
- Eggs and peanuts because they are high-allergen foods
- Gluten-free grains to help your body heal faster
Eat Foods That Heal Your Body

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To heal your body quickly, eat fruits, leafy greens, vegetables, herbs, and spices. The more you eat, the better. Aim for 9-10 cups each day. That may seem like a lot now but once you get used to it, it becomes easy.
Don’t be afraid to eat fruit. I avoided most fruits for over eight years, based on the teachings I received. But then I read that fruit does not spike your blood sugar. I should have realized this since my son is a type 1 diabetic. When his blood sugar is dropping he doesn’t eat fruit he drinks something high in sugar.
Fruit is healing, it’s high in antioxidants, fiber, minerals, phytonutrients, and vitamins. Your body needs fruit to heal. Especially wild blueberries because they have two times more antioxidants than conventional blueberries. Plus, studies have proven that they benefit brain health. Eat wild blueberries every day.
Eat a wide variety of foods to get all the nutrients your body needs. Don’t get stuck on eating the same foods all the time. When was the last time you ate an apricot, cantaloupe, nori, or bok choy?
Eat mostly fruits and vegetables. The healthiest people in the world eat very little animal protein. This doesn’t mean you need to become a vegan or vegetarian but lower your animal fats. Also, lower your plant-based fats.
Fatty liver disease is common in Western countries. It’s caused by the build-up of excess fat in the liver. This makes it harder for the liver to work at detoxing your body. To support your liver, eat a diet low in fat and include healthy foods, filtered water, and herbal teas.
Herbal teas that help your liver:
- Chamomile
- Dandelion
- Ginger
- Hibiscus
- Lemon balm
- Licorice root
- Milk thistle
- Peppermint
Improve Your Lifestyle

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One of the best things you can do is to simplify your life. This will help relieve stress which causes MS flares. Your body became overwhelmed from chronic inflammation causing you to get MS. It’s overwhelmed by poor choices, lack of exercise, toxins, infections, and stress. Don’t let chronic inflammation hold you back.
Get moving! Exercising will help keep you strong and mobile plus it helps to lower inflammation. Go for a walk, swim, do yoga, stretch, or join a gym that helps people with MS. My favorite is OptimalBody Personal Fitness. The owner, David Lyons, also has MS so he knows which exercises work. He even has exercises for people who are in a wheelchair.
Get plenty of good quality sleep, your body heals while your sleeping. If you have problems falling asleep avoid electronics a few hours before bed. Try reading, listening to claiming music, or meditating. Avoid video games and TV shows or movies that keep you awake.
Avoid toxic chemicals in your home as much as possible. Granted you can’t remove everything but the more you avoid the better. To keep your home clean, use natural products that don’t use toxic chemicals.
Use safer personal care products. Most store-bought body care products you put on your body have toxic chemicals. This includes cosmetics, deodorant, lotion, shampoo, sunscreen, and so on. Check out my Clean Personal Care Products page.
Lower Your Stress

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Stress plays a huge role, it will hold you back from healing. This includes anger, anxiety, bitterness, envy, fear, regrets, and shame. Years of chronic stress are what caused my walking to get worse.
- Avoid toxic people, unhappiness is contagious
- Clean up the clutter around your house
- Don’t let little things get you upset, learn to let it go
- Don’t overwhelm yourself
- Get off of social media
- Get your finances under control
- Go to bed early
- See a counselor if needed
- Stop enabling your adult children
- Stop procrastinating
- Turn off the news
Sometimes you have to do something drastic to get your stress under control. Like finding another job, moving, or telling someone you can’t be around them. It can be hard so don’t be afraid to ask for help. After my son’s diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, we got help from family counseling. There is nothing wrong with seeing a counselor or therapist.
Beat Chronic Inflammation

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You didn’t ask to get sick, none of us did. But, you have the choice to do something about it by living a cleaner and less stressful life. Understand that healing the central nervous system is hard, it’s one of the slowest systems in the body to heal.
Don’t get upset if healing isn’t happening quickly enough. And don’t compare yourself to others, everyone is different. Healing happens in phases and sometimes there will be bumps. Learn to be kind to yourself, I know it can be hard when your body isn’t doing what you want it to. But, if you think evil thoughts about yourself you’ll begin to believe them.
Your secret to fighting chronic inflammation is to take action and believe you are going to heal. Once you beat chronic inflammation you will get your life back!
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The Ultimate Guide to Surviving & Thriving with MS
Unlock the power of a healthy lifestyle with this exclusive ebook! Discover practical strategies and expert advice on managing MS naturally through nutritious eating and mindful living. This comprehensive guide is packed with wellness tips, and lifestyle recommendations tailored specifically for you. Take control of your health and embark on a transformative journey toward a balanced and vibrant life. Get your hands on this invaluable resource and start thriving today!
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Secrets to Beat Chronic Inflammation