Last Updated on January 29, 2025 by Cathy

Most of the United States is suffering from record-high temperatures and high humidity. I keep reading comments on social media about how people with multiple sclerosis (MS) are coping. I’m lucky because I’m in an area that was still pretty cool up until a few days ago.
I’m also lucky because I no longer suffer from heat intolerance. It’s been such a long time I’m not even sure when the heat intolerance started bothering me. I wish I had started keeping track of my symptoms from the beginning so I could look back at my history. I’ve included details on how you can get a symptom tracker at the bottom of this post.
I do remember driving home from work on extremely hot days when I was pregnant. And not sure I would make it home because the air conditioning in our car was broken. I was so miserable. My face would start burning up, I knew it was turning bright red. My eyes would start to black out and my legs started to get very heavy. I worried I wouldn’t be able to lift my leg to hit the brake pedal.
At that time I thought it was because I was in my third trimester. Yes, pregnancy makes you more sensitive to heat but it doesn’t cause the symptoms I was having. Plus, this didn’t happen during my first pregnancy (both my kids were born in the summer).
Today, my son is almost twenty-two years old and my heat intolerance is gone! It’s been gone for a few years now. And it still amazes me!
Multiple Sclerosis
I hated the MS medications, my flares were getting stronger and closer together. I finally had such a bad attack it looked like I just had a stroke, I probably did. That’s when I started looking for an alternative. I started eating a healthy diet about fourteen years ago to stop the progression and I haven’t had an attack since.
However, I still had my symptoms including heat intolerance. I read everything I could to try and figure out how to reverse my symptoms. After many different diets including the Paleo diet and Autoimmune Protocol (AIP). I eventually tried the Wahls Protocol (level 3), I figured if she could get out of her wheelchair I could walk normally again.
Although these are all great diets and they work for many people. They left me very underweight and not one symptom reversed. Now you may be thinking I was probably cheating but I wasn’t. I never cheated, my husband would even back me up! I ate 9 cups of vegetables each day, including organic meats, seaweed, and LOTS of healthy fats.
It was very discouraging. I was thankful my MS wasn’t progressing but I wanted my symptoms to reverse. How many times have you read “I reversed my autoimmune disease in three months.”
Well, it’s not like that for MOST people.
Reversing MS Symptoms
Embracing a holistic and natural approach to wellness has empowered many people on their journey to reversing MS symptoms, fostering a positive and proactive mindset. I won’t lie, it’s not easy but it is possible. However, it is more important to stop the progression of MS than it is to reverse your symptoms.
The central nervous system is one of the slowest systems in your body to heal. And it can get depressing when you read people recovering and you’re not. Part of recovering is how you feel emotionally.
During the “Great Recession,” I was going through severe stress. My husband’s job closed down and my job was laying people off every three months. Including pay cuts, hour cuts, and furloughs. It was like playing Russian roulette – who was next?
This lasted for 3-4 years and the stress it caused set me back! I didn’t have an attack but it caused my walking to slowly get worse. I’d get stressed and I could feel the numbness and stiffness taking over. I eventually got laid off but it turned out to be the best thing for me.

Image by pvproductions on Freepik
Through adopting a nutrient-dense, plant-based diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, many people have reported significant progress in reversing MS symptoms and enhancing overall vitality. Now that I had more time on my hands I started putting in the effort to get my symptoms to reverse. Again I started reading everything I could. That’s when I started looking into yeast overgrowth as a trigger to MS.
I heard about the Candida diet and decided to give it a try so I followed the book Healing Multiple Sclerosis. However, I stayed on a Paleo diet following the Wahls Protocol. I was on level 3 but added more carbohydrates to keep from losing weight. So it was more like level 2.5, I did this since it was a nutrient-dense diet. I also eliminated eggs and nightshades because I have a food sensitivity to them.
Three months later I visited a functional medical doctor. He had me take many supplements to fit my needs. I was taking so many supplements I felt like I rattled as I walked. I also took antifungal teas and detox teas to help my liver. By the end of that same month, I realized my heat intolerance was gone!
I started the Candida diet when the temperature was cooler. So I’m not exactly sure if it disappeared before seeing the doctor or after. All I know is it was gone! I continued to have symptoms disappear like the numbness in the back of my mouth. I was so thrilled!
Quick Links to information in this post:
How To Tell If You Have Candida
The Connection Between MS and Candida
3 Herbal Teas to Detox Your Liver
Do What’s Right For You
Everyone is different and no ONE diet is perfect for everyone. Don’t get discouraged if the Paleo or Wahls diet doesn’t work for you. What you need to do is eat a healthy diet that fits your needs. Eggs bother me but you may do fine eating them. I eat lots of coconut products but you may be sensitive to coconuts.
It’s amazing what your body can do for you. You just need to pay attention to the signals it’s sending. When you ate that tomato did you get heartburn? These are signals that your body doesn’t like them.
More Than Diet Alone
Engaging in regular physical activity tailored to personal abilities and preferences plays a pivotal role in the process of reversing MS symptoms. It also promotes strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. I like to use the online gym for MS called OptimalBody Personal Fitness.
Mind-body practices such as acupuncture, meditation, and massage have shown promising results in supporting people on their path to reversing MS symptoms, fostering a sense of inner balance and resilience. I also use mindfulness, infrared light therapy, and standing on a vibration plate.
Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away, it does take time. Sometimes you may not realize symptoms may not be as bad as they were three or six months prior. That’s why it’s important to keep track of your symptoms every month or every three months.
Use the Symptom Questionnaire to track your progress. By keeping track you should notice an improvement even if it’s a slight improvement. To get your symptom questionnaire fill out the form below.
You’re trying to heal your body and reverse your MS symptoms and it takes time so don’t get disappointed if you don’t see results after a few weeks. Although my heat intolerance is gone, I’m still working on getting the numbness out of my feet.

Get Your Symptom Questionnaire
Get the password for the library with my Symptom Questionnaire here by filling out this form:
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Reversing MS Symptoms
I fully support you with the Wahls Protocol. I have been following this dietary regime, loosely, for a a couple of years. It makes a real difference.
I’m glad it’s making a difference, diet and lifestyle make a huge impact.
I did the Wahl’s Protocol; was in a study of how it impacted RRMS. I had to leave the study as the diet made me very ill (as in I was rushed to the ER). I had greater success with a macrobiotic diet. When food is used as medicine, it is very powerful.
Yes, food is medicine!