Last Updated on January 31, 2025 by Cathy

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated demyelination disorder of unknown reasoning. Fortunately, there are things you can do starting right now as a natural cure for multiple sclerosis.
The word “cure” doesn’t mean your MS will be gone forever. It does mean you can put MS into remission as long as you eat and live a healthy lifestyle. If you fall back into your old lifestyle, MS will return.
Researchers believe the cause of MS is due to genetic and environmental exposures. Such as vitamin D deficiency or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Earlier in 2022, a 20-year study was released finding EBV as the main cause of MS.
If you would like to learn more read: Epstein-Barr Virus Is The Leading Cause Of MS
The longer you’re exposed to chronic inflammation it results in demyelination damage. There are many risk factors for MS. Understanding what the triggers are will help you get MS into remission. There is a helpful Detox Checklist at the bottom of this article to help you keep track.
Triggers to MS:
- Diet (processed foods, refined sugar, refined carbs, food allergies, etc.)
- Infections (bacterial overgrowth, parasites, viruses, and yeast overgrowth)
- Environmental Toxins (heavy metals, mold, pesticides, etc.)
- Chronic Stress (especially emotional stress)
- Hormones (cortisol, insulin, vitamin D – yes, it’s a hormone)
- Genetics (you can’t change your genes but you can change your gene expression by living a healthy lifestyle)
There is no cure for MS but you shouldn’t wait for the next “miracle” drug either. Do something today before MS causes more damage by using a natural approach. You can even reverse some if not all of your symptoms. First, you need to change your attitude and start believing you can heal.
Say this out loud – I Will Heal!
I was able to stop the progression of my MS with a healthy diet. But it wasn’t until I started removing my triggers that my symptoms began to reverse. For me, it was a poor diet, yeast overgrowth, and high stress. Even today I have to be careful with high stress or my MS will flare back up. Emotional stress is very toxic whether it’s your job, finances, or people around you. You have to find ways to manage your stress or it will hold you back.
There are many diets for MS including The Wahls Protocol, Swank Diet, and the MS Recovery Diet. They are all different but they are also similar. Similar because they remove foods causing inflammation and include foods that are healing. It doesn’t matter which diet you are on, as long as it works and you are seeing improvements.
Start by removing foods that cause inflammation. Such as grains/gluten, dairy, legumes, processed foods, and refined sugar. Learn which foods your body is sensitive to and remove them. An elimination diet can help you with this process.
Having MS also means you have a leaky gut. A leaky gut is where the protective gut lining becomes compromised. It allows toxins and bacteria to pass through the lining and enter the bloodstream. Studies show the gut microbiota plays an important role. Studies also show probiotics not only add good bacteria but they can help reverse a leaky gut.
Use herbs like:
- Cinnamon to control blood sugar
- Sage to improve brain function
- Turmeric for inflammation
Drink herbal teas to help detox your liver, teas like milk thistle, dandelion, and chicory root. Before considering taking any medicinal herbs consult with your doctor if you are on any medications. Herbs are natural medicines and can interact with pharmaceuticals.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays a critical role in MS, people with MS are more likely to be deficient. Recent genetic studies have stated low vitamin D metabolism leads to MS. Researchers confirmed taking vitamin D supplements results in a 50-70% reduction in relapses.
If you have an infection diet alone can’t help. You need to address the problems before you can reverse your symptoms. Infections such as Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), yeast overgrowth, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and parasites. Many people with MS also have a yeast overgrowth called Candida. Candida is found in small amounts in everyone. However, when candida begins to grow out of control it leads to many health issues.
Causes of yeast overgrowth:
- Antibiotics
- High stress
- Poor diet high in refined sugar and carbohydrates
- Weakened immune system
Recognize the symptoms of yeast overgrowth. If you suspect a yeast overgrowth begin to treat this first. Lower your sugar intake and start using antifungals. Formula SF722 is a powerful supplement for maintaining healthy gut flora. Including controlling yeast overgrowth.
NOTE: Always start slow and work your way up when taking antifungals to avoid die-off.
Symptoms of yeast overgrowth:
- Chronic fatigue
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Nail fungus
- Oral thrush
- Urinary tract infection
- Sinus infections
- Skin infections (athlete’s foot, dandruff, ringworm)
- Sugar cravings
- Vaginal yeast infections
Garlic, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, oregano oil, thyme, Rosemary, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract. All of these help with yeast overgrowth plus they help if you also have parasites. Usually, people think of parasites coming from underdeveloped countries. You can get them through food, water, contact with animals, or even through skin contact.
To remove Candida and parasites you need to stop feeding them. They feed on carbohydrates (sugar). Also, avoid pork since pigs are scavengers and can contain higher levels of parasites.
Get A Free Detox Checklist
For details check the bottom of this article.
Apply strategies to promote regular bowel movements. Don’t start taking antifungals unless you are having at least one bowel movement each day (two is better). I believe the biggest problem of constipation is being dehydrated. Many people with MS have problems with urinary urgency. They drink less often which creates dehydration.
Drink water. The solution is drinking more water. I know that makes you have to use the restroom more often. But, as you are removing inflammation, you should start seeing some improvement.
Eat more fiber. Eat flaxseeds every day, they are high in fiber and omega-3. Use fresh ground flaxseeds since they are easier to digest than whole seeds. Buy a coffee grinder and ground them yourself. I like to add them to everything, on food, and in smoothies. They help to get the bowels moving, it’s like taking natural laxatives.
Exercise more. Studies show exercise doesn’t help with the frequency of bowel movements. But, it does show exercise helps with symptoms of constipation. Since people with MS are more sedentary than healthy people this may be a cause. If possible try going for a walk or swimming to get moving more often. Join a gym like OptimalBody Personal Fitness, I highly recommend them.
Environmental Toxins
A natural cure for multiple sclerosis is not only what you eat. It also includes how you live. Begin cleaning up environmental toxins. Use natural body care products, natural household products, water, and air filters. Add household plants to help clean your indoor air. You don’t need to do these all at once, taking small steps adds up over time.
Have amalgam fillings removed properly with the help of a biological dentist. Make sure you do not have dental infections such as cavities or infected root canals.
Almost every home has mold at some point. Mold is a type of fungus. It releases microscopic spores causing allergies to severe health issues. Check your home for mold. You can easily stop visible mold (mildew) usually found in damp areas like showers. Then spray it with distilled vinegar. For large areas or black mold have it professionally removed.
Reduce electromagnetic radiation (EMF), radio frequency (RF) radiation, and dirty electricity (DE). These are forms of radiation emitted including electronics and power lines.
Many people with MS suffer from insomnia, I was one of these people. Once I got my stress levels under control and stopped staying up late worrying about things. My anxiety mellowed out and I was able to quickly fall asleep.
It’s important to get deep sleep each night for your brain to recover. Inflammation causes sleep problems. But getting some sunshine (vitamin D) on your skin helps your body sleep better. The more sunshine you get in the morning the better you’ll be able to sleep that night.
Block out blue and green light in the evening since it can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Blue light suppresses melatonin, an important hormone that regulates your sleeping cycle. Using blue light-blocking glasses a few hours before bed will help you fall asleep faster.
It’s important to get sunlight in the morning and avoid artificial light at night. Wear blue light-blocking glasses in the evening or use red light bulbs to reduce blue light. Turn the brightness of your smartphone, tablet, or computer to its lowest setting.
More quick links for a natural cure for multiple sclerosis:
Our Western diet is filled with processed foods, GMOs, high sugar, and low nutrients. We stay indoors much more than even twenty years ago thanks to computers so we don’t get enough vitamin D from the sun. We are nutrient and vitamin D-deficient.
That’s why it may be a good idea to take some supplements. Not all supplements are the same so look for high-quality plant-based supplements. I highly recommend finding a functional medicine doctor in your area. You will get supplements to fit your specific needs.
Supplements I Used to Reverse My MS Symptoms:
- Berberine blood sugar control
- Dismuzyme-Plus 5000 protects the body from free radical damage
- Methyl-Guard Plus dietary supplement for neurological function including vitamin B2, B6, B12, and folate
- Omega-Plus an essential fatty acid to help repair the myelin sheath
- Perma-Clear dietary supplement for healthy intestinal lining support including L-Glutamine and probiotics
- Probiotic for gut health
- Vitamin C and Vitamin E salvage free radicals and support immunity (for vitamin E look for “d-tocopherol”)
- Vitamin D/K2 essential for immune function and bone health
Heavy Metals
As you begin to feel stronger, test for heavy-metal toxicity and do a heavy-metal detox. Eat cilantro, use an ionic footbath, or take spirulina. I debated on starting spirulina. Many sites recommend people with an autoimmune disease avoid it. However, Dr. Terry Wahls took it and recommended it in her book The Wahls Protocol.
I decided to go ahead and give it a try not expecting to notice any difference. But, the next morning the redness in my hands and feet, which was there for most of my life, was gone. It was shocking so I contacted my doctor. He gave me a few different possible reasons like the magnesium or the pH in my system. All I know is something happened and the color in my hands and feet look normal again.
Natural Cure for Multiple Sclerosis
There is no cure for multiple sclerosis but there you can take a natural approach to manage your symptoms. Dealing with MS is a learning process. Pay attention to your body and find out what works best for you. Don’t wait, take action today before MS keeps progressing.

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Natural Cure for Multiple Sclerosis