Last Updated on September 6, 2024 by Cathy

This is the exact supplement protocol I used to reverse some of my MS symptoms. This protocol was designed specifically for me so there is no guarantee it will work for you. You need to find the root cause of your MS, for me it was fungi.
ALWAYS talk to your doctor before starting any supplement. Supplements can interfere with certain medications.
I read the book Healing Multiple Sclerosis by Ann Boroch and found it very encouraging. It focuses on treating the root cause of MS which she believes is Candida (a yeast overgrowth). It includes a step-by-step protocol on diet and detoxing. There is also a detailed list of supplements to take for each month.
I started her protocol in March 2016. About two months later I visited a functional medicine provider (FMP). We talked for over an hour and he gave me a list of supplements to take to fit MY needs. To find an FMP in your area check out their website here: Institute for Functional Medicine.
“Crucial supplements for restoring central nervous system function” – Ann Boroch
I stopped taking my current supplements and started the ones my FMP recommended. I did continue to take vitamin C and vitamin E because they are:
NOTE: Before taking ANY new supplements talk to your doctor FIRST. Supplements can interfere with some medications.
Vitamins C and E
At first, I took Vitamin C by Solaray then switched to Ascorbic Acid by Thorne.
Ann Boroch recommends a range between 3,000 to 6,000 milligrams (3 to 6 grams) daily. If you will be taking food-based vitamin C powder or pills, you will double the recommended dose on the bottle.
NOTE: Start with a lower dose of vitamin C and work your way up. Too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea if it does lower your dose.
When buying vitamin E look for “d-tocopherol” on the label and not “dl-tocopherol.” I took Jarrow Formulas Famil-E, you could also take Dr. Mercola or LifeExtension.
Doses of vitamin E are 800 IU (international units) daily. For those who are ambulatory, and 2,000 IU for those who are bedridden or wheelchair-bound. Eventually, I switched to Thorne Research – Ultimate-E. Although, it only goes up to 500 IU (do not go over 800 IU per day).
The Importance of Vitamin D
Higher levels of vitamin D are associated with a reduced risk of developing MS. It also reduces the risk of a flare (exacerbation or attack). It is extremely important to get tested!
The first thing my FMD told me to do was to get a vitamin D blood test. I had just received one from my family doctor and told him it was normal. He told me to get the actual number and it should be between 60-80 ng/mL.
Conventional medicine considers a normal range of vitamin D to be between 30-100 ng/mL. “30” is too low for people with MS. As you can see in the image below my level was too low.

I get tested every February since it’s winter and I rarely see the sun, that’s when my vitamin D would be at its lowest level. My insurance company no longer pays for me to get a vitamin D blood test since I tested “normal.” Instead, I use an online lab called Walk-In Lab.
This is the vitamin D my FMP recommended: Thorne Research – Vitamin D + K2 Liquid. For me, I took 10,000 IUs each day. Talk to your doctor to see what dosage works best for you.
Supplement Protocol
First Month Only:
For the first month, I was to take Colloidal Silver by Sovereign Silver and Aloe Vera Juice by Lily of the Desert. I took 1-2 tablespoons, 3 times each day. – I have to warn you, it tasted disgusting!
Supplement List:
The list of supplements was long and it was expensive. To keep the cost down I didn’t order two of the most expensive supplements.
The supplement protocol for my MS included:
- Vitamin D/K2 liquid by Thorne Research, 10 drops with breakfast (I now take 10,000 IUs each day).
- Omega Plus by Thorne Research. 3 capsules with breakfast and 3 with dinner.
- PermaClear by Thorne Research for leaky gut. 2 capsules with breakfast and 2 at bedtime.
- Formula SF722 by Thorne Research for yeast overgrowth. 3 capsules with breakfast and 3 with dinner (work up slowly to avoid die-off).
- Berberine-500 by Thorne Research to control blood sugar levels. 1 capsule with breakfast and 1 with dinner.
- Methyl-Guard Plus by Thorne Research for MTHFR gene mutation. 1 capsule with breakfast and again with dinner.
- Dismuzyme Plus by Biotics Research to remove free radicals. 1 capsule 3-times a day with food
Every day I also included:
- 2-3 tablespoons of fresh ground flaxseed (use a coffee/seed grinder)
- A nutrient-dense green smoothie
This is the seed grinder I use: Krups Coffee/Seed Grinder.
This supplement protocol was designed for my MS, it may not work for you.
Besides the many supplements, it is also important to include antifungals. ALWAYS start slow and work your way up. This will help your body detox to avoid a detox reaction, sometimes called “candida die-off.”
NOTE: Having MS puts you in a sensitive group. ALWAYS start a new supplement at a lower dose and slowly work your way up.
Antifungal supplements:
- Black walnut
- Caprylic acid
- Cloves
- Garlic
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Olive leaf extract
- Oregano oil
- Oregon grape root
- Pau d’arco
- Tea tree oil
- Undecylenic acid
Hard to believe after looking at this long list of supplements but I don’t like taking a lot of supplements. So, I drank Pau d’Arco tea and added Pau d’Arco powder to my smoothie each day.
There are antifungal supplements that include a combination of these herbs, including:
- Candida Complete by Essential Stacks
- Candida Support by NOW
- Formula SF722 by Thorne
- Yeast-Cleanse by Solaray
Foods that have antifungal properties:
- Cinnamon
- Coconut oil
- Ginger
- Lemon and lime juice
- Olive oil
- Onions
- Pau d’arco tea
- Pumpkin seeds
- Rutabaga
- Seaweed
- Turmeric (curcumin)
MS Symptoms Reversing
At the end of June 2016, I noticed my heat intolerance was gone! I couldn’t believe it and I tested it over and over. I’m not sure exactly when it disappeared since the weather was cooler until the end of June.
My symptoms continued to reverse such as:
- Extreme dry mouth
- Numbness in the back of my mouth
- Boot sensation on my feet (when it warmed up)
- My eyes blacked out when I looked to the far right
Stress and MS
During this time my stress levels began to rise. I loved my job, I worked at a newspaper, but they added more responsibilities that I didn’t want to do. Also, my son, who is a type 1 diabetic, ended up in ICU three times with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
All this stress from work and at home caused my symptoms to stop reversing. Fortunately, they did not come back and to this day I can still sit outside on a hot summer day.
In May 2019, I visited my FMP and after talking he decided to have me tested for mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are toxic compounds. They are naturally produced by certain types of molds (fungi). Mold is primarily found in water-damaged buildings.
To learn more about mycotoxins read: Are Mycotoxins Holding You Back From Healing?
I had a high level of mycophenolic acid (MPA) which is produced by the Penicillium fungus. As you can see in the image below a normal high is 5-50 whereas I had 9,147.20.

Mycotoxins can also be found in food such as:
- Alcoholic beverages
- Cereals
- Cacao beans (chocolate)
- Coffee beans
- Dried fruits
- Grains (including corn, wheat, barley, and rye)
- Hard cheeses
- Nuts (including cashews, peanuts, pistachios, and Brazil nuts)
- Spices
- Sugar (sugar cane and sugar beets)
Tips to remove mycotoxins from the body:
- Avoid eating leftovers, eat food as soon as possible, or store it in the freezer
- Buy the freshest food possible, local and organic if possible
- Eat a wide range of food
- Purchase from food companies that prioritize quality
- Store food properly, avoid storing it in warm, moist environments
Also, helps your body detox and pay attention to how your body feels after you eat certain foods. Antioxidants help remove mycotoxins such as A, E, and C vitamins.
COVID is something we all have to worry about, especially when living with MS. Before the vaccines, my FMP had me take KappArest and CurcumRx, both by Biotics Research. They helped to lower my inflammation and to help avoid COVID. Here are a couple of articles I found on PubMed about COVID and MS:
- COVID-19 Impairs Immune Response to Candida albicans
- COVID-19 mRNA vaccination leading to CNS inflammation: a case series
I am NOT here to talk about COVID, I only wanted to point these out to you.
Annual Blood Tests
Every February I get a blood test for:
- A1C to check my blood sugar level. An optimal level is 5.4 or lower (5.6 and lower is considered normal).
- C-reactive protein (CRP) to check for inflammation. An optimal level is 0.08 mg/L or lower.
- Homocysteine to find out if you have a deficiency in vitamin B12, B6, or folic acid. An optimal level is 7 umol/L or lower.
- Vitamin D – an optimal level is 60-80 ng/mL.
I get all these tests using the online lab Walk-In Lab.
I normally get annual blood tests every February, but due to COVID-19, I skipped 2021. In February 2022, my annual CRP blood test showed my inflammation increased (from 1.7 mg/L to 2.9 mg/L). I don’t know if it was from the vaccines or from the country shutting down and I wasn’t as active as normal.
Here is a copy of my 2022 CRP blood test:

Whatever the case may be, I’m back on my Candida Protocol of low carbs, antifungals, and many supplements. Along with low mold, low histamines, low stomach acid, and removing EBV. This time I’ve included ALL the supplements my FMP recommended.
Below is the actual supplement protocol my FMP recommended for my MS (this was designed for ME and may not work for you).
– Click here or click on the image below to see the PDF.

Hair Analysis Test
After having a hair analysis test for trace elements (micronutrients) I do not need to take zinc. As you can see in the image below I’m low in every nutrient except zinc (all bars should be in the middle of the white area):

I also found out from my hair analysis test that I have low stomach acid. Older people and people with MS are at a higher risk for low stomach acid. To correct this I take 2 HCL supplements before each meal.
To learn more about low stomach acid read: Facts About Low Stomach Acid You Need To Know
Supplement Protocol for MS
Again, this is the exact protocol I used to reverse some of my MS symptoms. But, it was designed specifically for me so there is no guarantee it will work for you.
I HIGHLY recommend visiting an FMP to find and treat YOUR root cause.
In January 2022, a 20-year study was released that claimed the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the main cause of MS. However, 90% of all adults worldwide have EBV and only a small percentage have MS. This proves something else is involved. For me it was fungi.
To learn more about the Epstein-Barr virus read: Epstein-Barr Virus Is The Leading Cause Of MS
These are a LOT of supplements and they cost a lot of money. Your best option is to eat a nutrient-dense diet that includes MANY fruits and vegetables.
Talk to your doctor to find out which supplements are best for you.
Remember, this supplement protocol was designed for my MS, so it may not work for you. Also, always talk to your doctor before starting any supplements.

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My Supplement Protocol for MS