Last Updated on January 30, 2025 by Cathy

Multiple sclerosis (MS) and summer heat don’t go well together. Many people with MS suffer from a temporary worsening of symptoms when exposed to heat. It can be from the weather or even when they heat up from exercising.
Like many others, I used to struggle with heat intolerance. As my body would warm up my legs would start to shut down. I felt as if I was wearing heavy boots, the numbness would start moving up my legs (my feet are always numb). It would be harder for me to lift my legs and feet, so my fear of falling would kick in.
Even just the crack in the sidewalk would scare me, I would walk looking down rather than looking where I was going. It also bothered me knowing people were watching me, which I hate. I would become very self-conscious, so my stress would go up as my legs got stiff. This is a bad combination!
There is a Reversing Multiple Sclerosis free printable at the bottom of this post.
What is heat intolerance?
This is also known as Uhthoff’s phenomenon, it’s a temporary flare of symptoms in MS. Everyone is different so it may or may not affect everyone.
This also includes times when someone is exercising or just out for a walk. It happens whenever the body temperature goes up. Fortunately, this is just temporary, as your body is cooling down the symptoms start to go away.
Why is this happening?
MS attacks the myelin sheath that protects the nerves. As MS keeps attacking over and over it eventually breaks through the myelin which can cause the nerves to lose their conductive coating as protection. Thus creating heat intolerance among many other problems.

What can I do?
Plan ahead! During July and August, it’s a good idea to stay indoors with the air conditioning. Our house faces west, so we turn the mini blinds up so the sun can’t seep through and close the curtains (double protection).
If you do venture out, try to get all your chores done in the morning before the heat starts kicking in. Don’t stay outdoors too long so your body won’t heat up.
I have noticed my walking is best when temperatures are in the 60º F. When it’s above 78º F, the heat intolerance kicks in when it starts dropping below 60º F my legs get stiff. I plan my outings depending on what time of year it is. Summer – venture out early morning. Winter – venture out late afternoon. Spring and Fall – venture out during the midday. Silly, huh!
Dressing in loose-fitting light-colored clothes helps (avoid dark colors!), as well as breathable clothing like cotton. If you don’t have air conditioning you may want to go somewhere that does. Stay hydrated and wear a cooling vest or neck wrap. I have a neck bandana that stays cool for hours, it’s come in handy many times.

Drink plenty of fluids, avoid caffeine and alcohol. I know many people MS have bladder problems and don’t like to drink a lot, but just swishing cool water around in your mouth can help.
Putting a cool water bottle on your skin can help you cool down. Try to stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible.
Plan family vacations in the fall, the weather is better! The temperature is more comfortable and it’s not as crowded. Our favorite time is late September, early October.
Getting Help
The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) has a “Cooling Distribution Program.” Every year they offer cooling vests and accessories for people diagnosed with MS. Check out their Cooling Products website page to give them a call or apply online.
My Heat Intolerance is GONE!
Did you happen to notice I was talking about my heat intolerance in the past tense? That’s because it’s gone!
That year I realized I also had a yeast overgrowth called Candida. I was already following the Wahls Protocol but I also wanted to start a candida diet so I combined the two diets together.
Candida is a yeast overgrowth that is very common in people with MS. Most people don’t even realize they have it. Getting the yeast overgrowth under control can help reverse MS symptoms!
I followed the book Healing Multiple Sclerosis by Ann Boroch and took the supplements she recommended. About two and a half months later I visited a functional medicine provider and started using his supplements instead.
About three months from when I started, which was the end of June, I noticed my heat intolerance was gone! I had suffered with it for many years and was amazed it was gone. I’m now able to stay outdoors for long periods at a time even on days reaching 100º F.
There is a Reversing Multiple Sclerosis free printable at the bottom of this post. It includes the supplements I used to reverse many of my MS symptoms.
I’m not sure exactly when my heat intolerance disappeared since it was cold when I started my new protocol. But it only took me about three months of being very strict. I saw more MS symptoms reversing as the year went on.
It’s been several years now and every year I’m STILL amazed!
Quick Links You May Be Interested In:
What is the Wahls Protocol?
The Connection Between MS and Candida
How To Tell If You Have Candida
Reversing Multiple Sclerosis
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