Last Updated on January 30, 2025 by Cathy

Today, nearly 1 million people in the U.S. are living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and 2.8 million people worldwide. This is more than twice the original estimate of 400,000 in the U.S.
Worldwide, MS is the most disabling neurological condition of young adults. Most people receive a diagnosis between the ages of 20 and 50. A neurologist is the specialist people see for MS.
It would also be a good idea to see a functional medicine provider (FMP) and if they are a neurologist that would be better. You can find an FMP in your area by searching their website at
Thanks to web conferencing like Zoom, you can see an FMP from any area around the world. When you call or email them ask if this option is available.
Get a free ‘Symptom Questionnaire to Track Your Progress’ at the bottom of this article.
Unfortunately, most insurance companies won’t pay for an FMP so you will have to pay out of pocket. That can get expensive depending on blood work, lab work, and supplements.
Prescription drugs for MS are also expensive. According to a 2017 study, MS medications cost $70,000 per year on average. Even with insurance, it can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $50,000 a year.
Conventional Doctors VS. Functional Medicine Doctors
Conventional doctors treat the symptoms, and FMPs treat the root cause. Dr. Sydney Baker, one of the early FMPs, said it best…
“If you’re sitting on a tack, the solution is to find and remove the tack, not treat the pain. In conventional medicine, the tendency is to throw prescriptions at problems to try and mask symptoms.”
In functional medicine, the goal is to treat the root cause and the symptoms will clear up.
Stop taking aspirin to mask the pain instead, remove the tack.
Drug modifying therapies (DMTs) for MS are not a cure. There is no “cure” for MS. If the DMT’s work, they only slow the disease progression down. Plus, they come with nasty side effects such as:
- Death
- Flu-like symptoms
- Heart and/or liver damage
- PML (a disease that attacks the brain)
- Severe depression
- Suicidal thoughts
“Conventional therapies for MS are based on the use of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs, but these treatments are not able to stop the destruction of nerve tissue.” – PubMed
I’m not telling you to not take a DMT.
Taking one of the DMTs for MS is a personal choice. Not your doctor’s choice or your family’s choice. It is your choice.
Ann Boroch said in her book, Healing Multiple Sclerosis:
“If you are more worried about what MS will do to your body without taking a DMT then take one. If you are more worried about what the drug will do to your body then you answered your own question.”
Don’t let anyone talk you into doing something you are not comfortable with. It is your body and your choice.
Start Eating Healthy
Stop eating processed foods and start eating an anti-inflammatory diet. MS is mainly caused by environmental factors. Every time you eat something you are either feeding disease or fueling your body for health.
After eating a healthy diet you continue to have issues such as acne, bloating, constipation, or heartburn. It could be due to food sensitivities, also known as food intolerances. Have you ever heard the saying “One man’s food is another man’s poison?”
Food even if it is healthy, can cause inflammation. If you have a food sensitivity/intolerance your body is continually on alert. Until you remove that food item inflammation will continue to stay high in your body.
This is a good time to try an elimination diet to find any foods you are sensitive to. Nightshades and eggs are often problems for people with MS. If you continue to have problems talk to your doctor about getting a food sensitivity test.

Fix your gut!
Researchers discovered people with MS have more bad bacteria in their gut. The exact reason is unknown but it could be due to many reasons.
Causes of an unhealthy gut:
- Alcohol
- Antibiotics
- Food intolerances
- Lack of fiber
- Leaky gut
- Not getting enough sleep
- Poor blood sugar control
- Poor diet
- Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
- Staying hydrated
- Stress
- Yeast overgrowth
Get a free ‘Symptom Questionnaire to Track Your Progress’ at the bottom of this article.
It is important to eat a wide variety of different foods for healthy gut flora. The typical Western diet lacks diversity. Most people eating a Western diet usually eat from 12 plants and 5 animal species.
Plus, plants have pesticides that destroy gut flora. Conventionally raised animals eat GMO grains and so. Plus, they’re given antibiotics and growth hormones.
It is best to eat organic:
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Herbs and spices
- Healthy fats like olive oil (avoid trans fats)
- Wild-caught fish
- Pasture-raised poultry*
- Grass-fed and finished meats
*It is best to avoid eggs while you are trying to heal. Dr. Terry Wahls, the author of The Wahls Protocol, found people with MS tend to have problems eating eggs.
Become a Detective

MS is mainly caused by environmental factors. This means, something you did or something you were unknowingly exposed to caused your MS.
Become a detective and figure out what may have led to the onset of your MS. Look at your history and ask yourself:
- Did you live through something traumatic?
- Did you take many rounds of antibiotics?
- Have you ever lived or worked in a moldy environment?
- Have you ever had mononucleosis?
- How was your diet?
- Were you ever bit by a tick? (Lyme disease)
- Where did you live? In a polluted city or near a farm that used pesticides?
What my MS was caused by:
- Ate the Standard American Diet (SAD)
- I was born with a predisposition for MS (DNA)
- Born with a predisposition for MS (DNA)
- Had many rounds of antibiotics starting as a baby
- My body is more susceptible to mold
- Too much stress
My problem is fungi, mold (mycotoxins), and yeast overgrowth (candida).
Quick Links To Information In This Post:
How To Start An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
How To Start An Elimination Diet
What Are Nightshades?
How To Improve Your Gut Health For MS
Steps to Stopping MS
Let’s face it, we live in a toxic world. As more toxins enter the world these toxins are harming our bodies. What you breathe, eat, drink, and put on your skin adds up. Then to top it off is stress and the lack of exercise.
When is the last time you exercised?
Healing your body is more than eating a healthy diet. Watching television all day is not healthy. Even if you are in a wheelchair, do something healthy.
Ways to improve your body, mind, and spirit:
- Avoid negative people
- Do something you enjoy like bird watching, crafting, or gardening
- Drink plenty of filtered water
- Eat and live a clean lifestyle
- Exercises such as massage, online gyms such as OptimalBody Personal Fitness, tension bands, swimming, tai-chi, walking, or yoga
- Get a good night’s sleep every night (this is when your body heals)
- Get your finances under control
- Go for a walk with your dog
- Hang around people who make you feel good
- Laugh
- Learn a new language
- Limit your time on your computer, smartphone, or tablet
- Lower your stress
- Meditate
- Remove the clutter and organize your house
- Play with your kids
- Practice mindfulness
- Read a good book
- Spend time outdoors in nature (weather permitting)
- Stop thinking negatively about yourself
- Take several deep breaths throughout the day
- Think positive
- Turn off the news and social media
- Watch a funny movie

MS is caused by a Number of Factors
Researchers know that MS is caused by genetic and environmental factors such as exposure to infectious agents and vitamin deficiencies. Genetics plays a small role, it is environmental factors that can lead to the onset of MS. Environmental toxins are able to trigger a cascade of events in the immune system which lead to chronic inflammation and neuronal cell death.
Although it is not set in stone, studies do suggest that diet may be considered as a complementary treatment to control the progression of MS. Why wait for a cure? Start today to stop the progression and live a better quality of life.
This is a lot of information but you’ve already taken the first step and that is: taking charge of your health.
UPDATE: Researchers discovered MS is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). However, EBV is not the only factor, to learn more read: Epstein-Barr Virus Is The Leading Cause Of MS.
Here are some helpful information and links to the items mentioned above: Books and products recommended for your health journey.

Symptom Questionnaire to Track Your Progress
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Photos by Dominika Roseclay and Vladimir Kudinov from Pexels
MS is caused by a Number of Factors