Last Updated on January 30, 2025 by Cathy

Leaky gut syndrome contributes to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). If you ask your doctor they may not believe this is a real health condition. However, more and more research connects what goes on in your gut impacts your entire body.
“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates
A leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, is a possibility for the onset of MS. Studies show people with MS have more bad bacteria in their gut than healthy people.
The exact reason why is unknown but you need to understand what led you to have a leaky gut in the first place.
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What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
The gut lining protects the body by allowing only nutrients and water to pass. Sometimes, as the name states, a leaky gut happens when the tight junctions of the gut lining open. This allows bacteria, food, toxins, etc. to pass the gut lining and into the bloodstream. Which triggers an inflammatory response in the body.
Many studies state MS is a chronic inflammatory disease. When there is inflammation in the body a protein called zonulin is not able to keep the gut lining tight. Which in turn increases inflammation.
The body starts sending warning signs such as acne, bloating, brain fog, and fatigue. Most people ignore these signs and take an over-the-counter drug to mask the symptoms. This does not fix the problem so it continues to get worse.
What causes a leaky gut?
Many possible causes are leading to a leaky gut. Below are five common triggers that could be what caused your leaky gut.
1. Poor Diet

The Standard American Diet (SAD), is high in processed foods, refined sugar, and omega-6 fats. It is also low in fiber (fruits and vegetables), omega-3 fats, and fermented foods. It is a diet rich in inflammatory foods and low in disease-fighting foods.
As the leaky gut continues to get worse it creates food sensitivities. A person likely has food sensitivities without realizing it. That is why it is a good idea to try a food elimination diet to find these offending foods.
Gluten, dairy, and sugar might be your first thought – and you are right. However, it could also be chocolate, eggs, or tomatoes. Some people have a sensitivity to coconut, spinach, or tuna. You don’t know until you start paying attention to how food affects your body.
*It is best to avoid eggs while you are trying to heal. In the book The Wahls Protocol, Dr. Terry Wahls recommends people avoid eggs.
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2. Medications
Antibiotics are the number one cause of a leaky gut since they kill both bad and good bacteria. Especially if you’ve been on many rounds of antibiotics.
Other medications also contribute to a leaky gut such as:
- Antacids
- Anti-cancer drugs
- Antidepressants
- Corticosteroids such as prednisone
- Laxatives
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen
- Oral contraceptives (birth control pills)
- Proton pump inhibitors (PPI)
- Sleeping pills
- Statins
3. Toxin Exposure
Chemical exposure is everywhere which wreaks havoc on your gut. It is impossible to remove all toxin exposures but you can control them in and around your home. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle includes what is around you.
The Environmental Working Group is a great resource. They specialize in research for clean living. They have information on dangers in your food, water, and everyday products.” They also give you information on the safest products to buy.
Ways to lower your toxin exposure include:
- Essential oils instead of air fresheners
- “Green” cleaning supplies
- Glass instead of plastic to store food
- HEPA air filters, I own an AirDoctor to remove mycotoxins
- Natural body care products
- Nontoxic paint (non-VOCs)
- Organic as often as possible
- Water filters
- Wood flooring instead of carpet
4. Infections

Infections can also cause a leaky gut. They can cause an imbalance of opportunistic bacteria and yeast in the gut.
Depending on your circumstance you need to fix any infections your body is dealing with. This includes an overgrowth of bacteria, EBV, fungi, mycotoxins, parasites, and yeast. This is a shortlist, you need to look back in your history to find your root cause.
Possible triggers to MS:
- Diet (processed foods, refined sugar, refined carbs, food sensitivities, etc.)
- Infections (bacterial overgrowth, parasites, viruses, and yeast overgrowth)
- Environmental Toxins (heavy metals, mold, pesticides, etc.)
- Chronic Stress
- Hormones (cortisol, insulin, vitamin D – yes, it’s a hormone)
5. Stress
Stress not only influences your food choices. It also alters metabolic responses to food. In other words, stress increases cortisol which shuts down the digestive system. When you are always stressed your digestive system is not working properly most of the time.
When stressed, intestinal cells are less healthy. Food sensitivity increases and nutrient absorption decreases. When inflammation increases throughout the body it sends more stress signals.
Stress is one of the major root causes of all health issues including MS.

How to Fix a Leaky Gut
By fixing your leaky gut you are healing not only your gut but your overall health. Your body will be able to fight off infections, rebalance hormones, and stop the progression of MS.
Ways to fix your gut:
- Remove inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, refined sugar, and processed foods.
- Identify foods that are causing inflammation by doing a food-elimination diet. Then temporarily remove them from your diet until you heal your gut.
To learn how to find foods you are sensitive to read How To Start An Elimination Diet.
Stop consuming these foods:
- Dairy
- Gluten
- Refined sugar
- Artificial flavors and sweeteners
- Natural flavors
- Corn (it’s mostly a GMO)
- Soy (it’s mostly a GMO)
- Milk chocolate (dairy) and dark chocolate (it contains heavy metals)
- MSG (harms the brain and central nervous system)
- Whey (a byproduct of dairy)
- Nutritional yeast (it’s has MSG in it)
- Canola oil (it’s mostly a GMO)
- Pork (it’s high in fat and prone to parasites)
- Farmed fish (it’s washed in toxic chemicals due to parasites)
- Processed citric acid (it’s mostly derived from corn)
- Peanuts (a common allergen)
- Eggs – both the Dr. McDougall Diet and The Wahls Protocol recommend avoiding eggs
Focus On Healing
Focusing on balancing your gut bacteria by eating a wide range of food. Pay attention to what you eat and how the food affects you. You also need to exercise, get plenty of sleep, and believe you are going to heal.
You can do this!

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Leaky Gut Syndrome and MS