Last Updated on November 25, 2023 by Cathy

In 2022 researchers released a 20-year study that found Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the main cause of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, 95% of all adults have EBV and only a small percentage have MS. Since most adults have EBV and not MS something else is involved.
Researchers believe it is due to the HLA gene. The HLA-DRB1*15 is the main genetic risk factor for MS. The HLA gene is also a risk factor for other diseases linked with fungal infections.
Doctors have known for decades that a yeast overgrowth called Candida plays a role in MS. But, there has been little research into candida being a possible cause. A study from 2017 found that “Candida species infection may be associated with increased odds of MS.”
Today, researchers are looking into whether fungi may play a possible role in the onset of MS. Researchers believe it has something to do with the gene HLA-DRB1*15. The HLA-DRB1*15 is the main genetic risk factor for MS.
Change Your Habits
If EBV is the main cause of MS and Candida is the primary cause of your MS then you need to look at your lifestyle. This is a good time to reflect and see how you are doing health-wise. Are you happy where you are or are you needing to make some changes? Sometimes it takes something major like MS to cause a person to make changes.
I changed my diet back in 2004 because I was recovering from the worse multiple sclerosis (MS) flares yet. It was scary, it looked like I had a stroke and I wasn’t sure if I was going to recover.
Changing my diet and lifestyle was a huge learning curve. Fortunately, after one year I stopped the progression of my MS and my medications. My neurologist wasn’t happy but it was the best decision I ever made.
“…diet could be a complementary treatment to control the progression” of MS.
– PubMed
But, my symptoms didn’t reverse until I realized the primary cause of my MS was due to Candida. Once I started treating it I was able to reverse many of my symptoms. Candida is a yeast overgrowth that is very common in people with an autoimmune disease like MS.
“It is widely believed that environmental factors including fungal infections contribute to disease induction or evolution.”
– PubMed

What is Candida?
Everybody has a little bit of yeast in their body, it’s natural. It’s when it overgrows that it becomes a real health issue. Unfortunately, most doctors don’t see this as a problem.
“SEA (specific enzyme activity) of C. albicans (Candida) in MS patients was significantly more than the healthy controls.”
– PubMed
Candida is the most common fungal pathogen in humans. It spreads throughout the body and the brain. In healthy people, it can cause dandruff, dry skin, or sugar cravings. But for people with MS, it can cause a more serious internal infection.
“C. albicans isolates to invade the host tissue is associated with the severity of MS.”
– PubMed
Researchers have known about the connection between Candida and MS since the early 1980s. Whether candida is the primary cause of MS is unknown. According to PubMed: “In MS patients with candidiasis, demyelinated lesions have been shown in the central nervous system.”
“The medical importance of Candida species, such as C. albicans, as infectious agents can cause demyelinated lesions in MS patients.”
– PubMed
How do you get Candida?
How you get Candida attributes to many different reasons. The most common reasons are antibiotics and a high-sugar diet. Other causes of Candida overgrowth include:
- Antibiotics
- Chemical exposure
- Chronic stress
- Contraceptive pill
- Diabetes
- Mercury fillings
- Poor diet (high sugar)
How many rounds of antibiotics have you taken? Including the antibiotics, you ingest from consuming conventionally raised animal products and dairy.
A “study suggests that candida species infection may be associated with increased odds of MS.”
– ResearchGate
For me, it was due to many rounds of antibiotics, eating processed foods, and stress. Recently, researchers discovered that Candida overgrowth could be genetic. This would make a person more predisposed and harder for them to get it under control.
If researchers have known the link between Candida and MS then why haven’t they done more research or let patients know?
“In 2013 in a small case-control study that linked anti-Candida antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to MS.”
– PubMed
Symptoms of Candida overgrowth:
- Adrenal fatigue
- Athletes foot
- Brain fog
- Chronic fatigue
- Depression
- Digestive issues
- Food sensitivities
- Joint pain
- Leaky gut
- Nail fungus
- Oral thrush
- Sinus infections
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Yeast infections
Anti-Candida Diet

Candida is hard to get back under control. It builds a protective biofilm that helps hide it from your immune system. This makes it harder for treatments to work. Candida needs sugar to grow, whether it’s from the food you eat or from stress (blood sugar). Candida doesn’t care where the sugar comes from as long as it’s fed. If you are eating processed foods, then you are eating a diet high in refined sugar. Refined sugar has many names including:
- Brown sugar
- Dextrose
- Evaporated cane juice
- Fructose
- Glucose
- High-fructose corn syrup
- Lactose
- Maltose
- Sucrose
- Mycotoxins (mold)
Candida overgrowth also makes you more sensitive to mold making your symptoms worse. Environmental mold weakens your immune system allowing Candida to grow. Mycotoxins (mold) are neurotoxins, a byproduct of Candida that destroys tissue and organs.
“…fungi, especially their toxins, were recently incriminated as relevant underlying causes of MS”
– PubMed
A test for mycotoxins showed I had an extremely high level of penicillium (a type of mold). Penicillium also showed up on my environmental sensitivity test as “highly sensitive.” I’m also allergic to the antibiotic penicillin which comes from penicillium.
Mold exposure can make a person more sensitive to fungi.

I now use an AirDoctor air filter that removes mycotoxins from the air in my home. It works great and it’s quiet so we don’t notice it running. The first time we used it our dog, who desperately needed a bath, sat next to it which caused it to kick into a higher gear. We all laughed.
I also use EC3 Mold Solution to stop mold and mildew in areas such as my carpets, furniture, laundry, and shower. If you suspect mold in your home you need to get it checked right away. Black mold, from damp areas, is extremely dangerous and could be fatal. Because of this, it’s a good idea to contact a specialist who knows how to safely remove it.
“…it has long been recognized that infections may serve as environmental triggers for MS.”
– PubMed
Dairy Doesn’t Do A Body Good
Although dairy is promoted for many health benefits. Scientific evidence questions dairy’s health benefits and indicates its potential health risks. Including certain cancers, digestive problems, heart disease, and type 1 diabetes.
Studies show that women with MS who drank more milk had more MS flares. Countries that consume more milk have higher rates of MS. Plus, a 2022 study confirmed a milk protein (casein) causes the immune system to attack myelin.
This is because casein is similar to a protein found in myelin. Despite all these studies people with MS continue to drink milk. Don’t be one of them! The Dairy Association has a great advertising committee. They have convinced everyone that they need to consume dairy for calcium. A calcium deficiency can lead to health issues such as osteoporosis.
But many plant foods are high in calcium, some are higher than cows’ milk. They also contain trace minerals that help the calcium to enter your bones. The real cause of calcium deficiencies is from eating too many high-acid foods. Such as animal products, caffeine, pasteurized dairy, refined carbohydrates, and sugar.
To get Candida overgrowth back under control you need to stop feeding it by avoiding:
- Alcohol
- Dairy products
- Gluten
- Fermented products (kombucha, pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt, etc.)*
- Refined carbohydrates
- Sugar
*Fermented products don’t directly feed Candida. But they can cause an allergic or sensitive response. Fermented products can also create a histamine response so it is best to avoid it.
Natural Antifungals
In short, diet alone won’t get Candida back under control. You also need to take antifungals to get Candida back under control. There are prescription antifungals but they come with nasty side effects. There are pharmaceutical antifungals but they are hard on the liver. Fortunately, there are many natural antifungals you can take including:
- Berberine (lowers blood sugar)
- Black walnut
- Caprylic acid (coconut oil)
- Cinnamon (lowers blood sugar levels)
- Cloves
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Licorice root
- Olive leaf
- Oregano oil
- Pau d’arco*
- Pumpkin seeds
- Turmeric
- Undecylenic Acid, formerly Formula SF722 (for gut health)
*Pau d’arco is a powerful antimicrobial herb. It is effective in ridding the body of bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses.
Drink Plenty of Water

Water helps hydrate your body, removes toxins, slows healing, and increases fatigue. Also, when you’re dehydrated your blood thickens making it harder for the heart to work. That’s why you should drink plenty of water before having blood work.
There are many positive reasons for drinking plenty of water, for example:
- Appetite
- Digestion
- Flushing out toxins and waste
- Hydrating the body’s cells and tissues
- Lowering inflammation
Healing Your Body Naturally
There are many things you can do to help improve your body’s ability to heal. Including how you think, negative thoughts will hold you back. It is critically important to work on lowering stress and negativity in your life. In fact, stress is often the last factor that triggers the onset of MS. It also causes flares.
Healing your body naturally means:
- Avoid negative people
- Be kind to yourself
- Drink lots of water
- Eat an anti-inflammatory diet
- Eat a rainbow of vegetables every day
- Exercise
- Get plenty of sleep
- Heal your leaky gut
- Learn to manage your stress
- Lower inflammation
- Removing infections and toxins
- Stay positive
- Take vitamin D
Quick Links To Information In This Post:
The Association Between Candida And Multiple Sclerosis
How To Tell If You Have Candida
Pau D’Arco A Powerful Natural Herb
10 Warning Signs That You’re Dehydrated
Is Candida the Primary Cause of MS?
Candida may not be your primary cause of MS but it should be something for you to look into. There are many triggers to MS, you need to become a detective to find your triggers and fix them. For me, it was due to genetics, poor diet, antibiotics, leaky gut, yeast overgrowth, mycotoxins, hormone imbalance, and stress.
Yes, a candida diet is hard but your health is worth it!

Free Foods to Eat & Avoid on the Candida Diet
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Is Candida the Primary Cause of MS?