Last Updated on November 30, 2023 by Cathy

Long before any modern medications, people used natural remedies for their ailments. Granted, modern medicine has come a long way and it has saved thousands of lives. But, medications for multiple sclerosis (MS) don’t stop the progression, they only slow the progression down IF they work at all.
We live in a very fast-paced society. We expect to receive things immediately including our health. Instead of taking time and fixing the underlying cause of our disease. We chose a bandaid approach so we would feel better sooner. Modern medicine focuses on intervention and we choose doctors to fix us quickly.
Today, more people die from chronic diseases. Such as heart disease, stroke, obesity, and autoimmune diseases. In this instance, modern medicine is failing us. So many people are choosing to go back to using a natural approach instead.
Unfortunately, people have forgotten how to achieve their overall health. We stopped feeding our body healing foods in exchange for quick and convenient foods. And, we stopped paying attention to our lifestyle choices for a stressed and fast-paced life.
It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.
Living Out of Balance
Our world is full of chemicals and toxins in our food and environment. We have epidemic rates of chronic diseases it’s even affecting our children. We are living in a state where our body is out of balance and it’s time to bring the balance back.
Unfortunately, conventional doctors aren’t trained in using a natural approach. Doctors see as many patients as possible so they spend less time with them. Most conventional doctors aren’t willing or able to spend time with their patients. So they don’t look for the underlying cause of their disease.
You don’t have to wait for a doctor to help you. You can take charge of your health by making positive changes in your life starting today.
Possible triggers to MS:
- Diet (processed foods, refined sugar, refined carbs, food allergies, etc.)
- Infections (bacterial overgrowth, parasites, viruses, and yeast overgrowth)
- Environmental Toxins (heavy metals, mold, pesticides, plastics, etc.)
- Chronic Stress (especially emotional stress)
- Genetics (you can’t change your genes – but you can change your gene expression by living a healthy lifestyle)
Food as Medicine
Food really does matter when it comes to healing. You can either eat foods that cause inflammation or eat foods that are healing. Even our “healthy” modern diet isn’t healthy. It often includes grains, soy, and dairy which include antibiotics, sugar, and preservatives.
These foods, especially gluten, lead to inflammation and a leaky gut. A leaky gut happens when the tight junctions in our gut lining become loose. The openings allow undigested food particles and toxins to pass into the bloodstream.
Learn which foods are healing with this free ebook – The Ultimate Guide to Surviving & Thriving with MS.
Reduce Toxins
We’re surrounded by toxins, it’s in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. It’s impossible to remove all toxins. But, any change that improves your health is a step in the right direction. Doing nothing won’t change your health for the better.
Reduce your toxin load with:
- Air purifiers
- Avoiding herbicides
- Green cleaning products
- Natural body care products
- Organic foods
- Water filters
Help Your Body To Detox
Our colon, digestive system, liver, lungs, kidneys, and skin all help to remove toxins from our body. When you have chronic inflammation your organs have a hard time keeping up.
Help your body detox:
- Daily bowel movements
- Deep breathing
- Drink plenty of water
- Drink green tea daily
- Dry brushing
- Eat an anti-inflammatory diet
- Exercise
- Get good quality sleep
- Infrared sauna
- Sweating
Heal Your Infections
Researchers believe bacteria and viruses are a trigger to MS. Recent studies show people with MS have more bad bacteria in their gut than healthy people. That’s why it’s very important to heal your gut and eat fermented foods to increase the good bacteria.
Epstein Barr virus, human herpes simplex virus-6, and the measles virus raise the risk for MS. The HLA-DRB1 gene is the most common genetic risk factor for MS. It’s also a risk factor for fungal infections like Candida. The image below is from my 23andMe DNA test results.
You can read more about my experience in DNA Tests for Multiple Sclerosis.

HLA-DRB1* allele is the most common genetic risk factor for MS.
In 2016, Dr. Alan B. MacDonald received ten specimens from deceased MS patients. He was looking for Borrelia pathogens in their brains. The Borrelia bacteria is the causing agent of Lyme disease. It can lead to devastating brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases like MS.
Dr. MacDonald discovered all ten specimens showed evidence of Borrelia-infected nematodes. Nematodes are also known as roundworms. Lyme disease is often undetected from tests like the ELISA Western blot so it goes untreated.
Learn to Manage Your Stress
Stress plays a HUGE role when it comes to trying to heal. It can trigger the onset of MS and it can also cause a flare. You can’t avoid stress entirely. But when you’re dealing with chronic stress each day it affects every part of your body. Relieving stress helps to reduce the inflammation in your body.
Use different methods to help manage your stress such as:
- Enjoy nature
- Exercise
- Gardening
- Go for a walk
- Listen to relaxing music
- Meditation
- Play with your kids
- Pet your dog or cat
- Read a good book
- Spend time with friends
- Start a hobby
- Watch a funny movie
A Natural Approach for MS
Using a natural or holistic approach to healing looks at the person as a whole, not just the disease. Using a natural approach involves many different therapies including modern medicine. It focuses on healing the body, mind, and spirit. Here are some alternative healthcare practices that are often found within natural/holistic healthcare:
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
- Chiropractic
- Functional medicine
- Herbal remedies
- Low impact exercise
- Massage
- Meditation
- Nutrition
- Physical therapy
Using these therapies together your body will experience a greater sense of wellness. Plus you will start feeling better as you achieve a healthier life.

The Ultimate Guide to Surviving & Thriving with MS
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