Last Updated on December 7, 2023 by Cathy

It’s that time of year again when processed goodies and sugary treats are everywhere. For those who have been working hard on healing their leaky gut, and removing Candida, and SIBO holidays can be the worst time of the year.
When I first started my new lifestyle of “eating clean” it was one week before Thanksgiving. I had just had my worst multiple sclerosis (MS) attack, I was scared and desperate to get better. I decided to start my new diet and go cold turkey instead of easing into it. It was extremely hard but fortunately, my family supported me. Since I was still trying to recover and it was so close to Thanksgiving we decided to cater our dinner.
That was over ten years ago before gluten was ever heard of, so there wasn’t much of an option for me. I was very depressed, I missed many of my favorite foods that year but it was the fear of another attack that kept me going.
Whether you are new to Paleo, or you have been eating this way for years, the holidays are tough! During the festivities you will be surrounded by food that does harm to your gut, just remember you are doing this so you can start feeling better, heal your leaky gut, and possibly put your MS into remission.
I have some good news for you, with some planning it does get easier! Here are some tips to help you navigate your way through the holidays:
Be Prepared
Most holiday festivities center around food, whether you are hosting the get-togethers or attending one it is important to plan ahead! This will make it so much easier and less stressful.
Bring a Dish Everyone Can Enjoy
Don’t just show up to a party empty-handed, bring a delicious Paleo dish everyone would enjoy. Some people are turned off even by the word Paleo so I don’t tell them it’s Paleo.
Eat Before Leaving the House
NEVER go to a holiday dinner or party on an empty stomach, you will be setting yourself up for failure. This also includes when you are out shopping, it is easy to lose track of time not realizing you haven’t eaten in many hours. It will be too tempting to stop somewhere to get a quick bite to eat. Check out the 12 Quick Paleo Snack Ideas you can take with you to keep you on track.
Keep Unhealthy Food Out of Your House
Make sure you keep plenty of healthy food choices around you and definitely keep them out of your house! If you are really craving something sweet, make a Paleo treat to keep you on track.
Buy Things Ahead of Time
Plan your dishes ahead of time and don’t wait for the last second to go to the store. You can even cook and freeze some of your dishes ahead of time to save time and stress later.
Remind Yourself Why You Are Doing This
When things like Candida, bacteria, parasites, and undigested food enters your bloodstream your immune system is overwhelmed causing inflammation. The health of your gut is what determines the health of your body. Before taking that bite, remind yourself – your health is more important!
Make New Traditions
It’s never too late to start new traditions. Pasture-raised turkeys are expensive, now we enjoy eating game hens. They are less expensive and it’s fun having your own “little turkey” on your own dinner plate. As far as Christmas goes, stockings that use to be full of candy are now full of little stocking stuffers we find throughout the year. Plus, it is fun opening up all those little presents.
Don’t Stress
Holidays are stressful, there is no need for that “perfect holiday.” Make smart food choices but don’t deprive yourself, plan ahead, exercise, and breath. Remember, this is the happiest time of the year so enjoy your family and have fun.
Pamper Yourself
During the hectic holiday season remember to take care of yourself first! If you become run down it only brings on a whole host of other problems. It is important to keep your immune system healthy with good nutrition, quality sleep (8 hours), exercise, deep breathing, meditation, and drinking plenty of water.
Stay Committed
After all the months you have been working so hard to improve your health, do not be tempted for that short bit of enjoyment. The central nervous system is the slowest system in the body to heal, stay committed, and don’t give up!
The general rule of thumb is: for every year of being sick it takes about a month for recovery. Stay obligated to your new lifestyle changes and begin reaping the benefits.
How to Survive the Holidays Eating Paleo
Holidays are not really about all the food, it’s about your family and friends – your loved ones. Don’t let the holidays set you back, continue making big strides with your health, and your body will thank you with newfound health.
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How to Survive the Holidays Eating Paleo