Last Updated on November 29, 2023 by Cathy

But… I can’t afford organic foods. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that, even from my own husband. But, there are ways to save on organic groceries.
Well, yes organic food is more expensive. And, I’m not going to say that it’s cheaper than multiple sclerosis medications. – I’m not going down that road.
I eat organic as much as possible to avoid antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, and ingredients I don’t recognize. I’m trying to fully heal my central nervous system so I’m feeding my body nutrient-dense foods – organic.
But I wasn’t always that way.

My husband and I suffered financially during the “Great Recession” and we had to really cut back. It started off when my husband’s job of 25 years shut down. He found another job right away. But when the economy was at its worst the new company he worked for laid him off and they weren’t any other jobs available.
At the same time, the newspaper I worked for was facing financial hardships as well. What do people do when money is tight? They cancel their newspaper subscription. Plus, people were getting their news from the internet because it was free.
Every three months I either faced a pay cut, furlough, or a layoff. It was extremely stressful going to work each day not knowing if I had a job. Plus, we had two growing boys to feed and if you’ve had a teenage son you know how much they eat.
This daily chronic stress between my job and finances at home is what caused my walking to get worse. So much so, that I fell and shattered my elbow requiring surgery and a loss of work. Plus, the doctors treated me so poorly (medically not verbally) it left me with PTSD. – I still get upset thinking about it.
(Let it go… let it go… let it go – deep breath)
I know from experience that you can’t always afford organic. During that time, feeding my children first got top priority. There were times when my husband and I skipped a meal or two so that our children always had something to eat.
Times Change
Our kids are now adults (they’re in their twenties) and living on their own. It’s just my husband and myself plus a few pets. Our grocery bill has gone way down so we can afford organic. But, I still look for the best deals.
I’ve always been frugal, even as a teenager. I’d rather save money than spend money. – I know, that’s not normal it’s just the way I am. Because I’m always looking out for good deals I’ve learned some tricks to save money even when buying organic food. Here are some tips to save you money:
When to Buy Organic

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) came out with a Dirty Dozen list. It includes fruits and vegetables with the most pesticide residues. When money is tight only buy organic if it is on this list.
Starting with the most pesticide residues:
- Strawberries
- Spinach
- Kale
- Nectarines
- Apples
- Grapes
- Peaches
- Cherries
- Pears
- Tomatoes
- Celery
- Potatoes (not paleo)
These are on the EWG’s Clean Fifteen list. Meaning they have the least amounts of pesticide residues:
- Avocados
- Sweet corn* (not paleo)
- Pineapples
- Sweet peas, frozen
- Onions
- Papayas*
- Eggplants
- Asparagus
- Kiwis
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Cantaloupes
- Broccoli
- Mushrooms
- Honeydew melons
*Could be from genetically modified seeds.
Grow Your Own Garden

Growing your own garden is an excellent way to save money and it’s fun. It’s so rewarding as those tiny seeds or little plants start producing food. Lettuce and other leafy greens like spinach are very easy to grow.
Plus, they grow quickly. Each day you can go outside and trim off some greens and there will be more for tomorrow. Radishes, zucchini, onions, and carrots are also easy to grow. Plants like zucchini, cucumbers, and pumpkins need more space to grow.
Because of the decline in bees, you may need to self pollinate plants that flower. I’ve done this with pumpkins and it’s so rewarding seeing the pumpkins grow to be huge. – Careful if you have chickens, when I had chickens they loved to peck at and break open the pumpkins.
If you don’t have space for a garden plant them in containers. A few years ago I planted cucumbers in a pot on my porch and it produced several good size cucumbers. I also planted broccoli in a pot and it was looking really good. Then something ate it all in one night!
Herbs are very expensive in grocery stores. But, are extremely cheap to grow especially from seeds. You can even dry them out and place them in old herb and seasoning bottles. They make great gifts too.
Shop In Season
Buying produce when it’s in season means it’s at its prime and very nutritious. It also means it will cost less in the grocery store. If you try and buy fresh blueberries in October it will cost you an arm and a leg plus it won’t taste as good.
Instead, buy your fruits and vegetables when they are in season to save money. You’ll always know which are in season because grocery stores usually put them on sale during that time.
Stock Up When On Sell
Have you ever noticed your favorite item goes on sale occasionally? Grocery stores like to cycle their sales. For example, at my store coconut oil goes on sale every six weeks. When it does I buy enough jars to last until it’s on sale again.
When your favorite item goes on sale make a note by writing it down or by using your smartphone. Then the next time it’s on sale you’ll know how often it goes on sale.
Buy Only What You’ll Use
This is especially true for fresh produce. There’s nothing worse than finding slimy produce in your refrigerator plus it’s a waste of money. It means you’ll have to go to the store more often but you don’t want to throw your money away either.
My husband and I go “big” grocery shopping once a month to pick up pantry, bathroom, and household items. Then once a week he’ll make a quick stop on his way home from work to pick up fresh produce.
Shop Online

I’ve been doing this for over ten years. It’s very convenient and it keeps you from impulse buying. When I first changed my diet back in 2004 there weren’t very many options. But, as more people use online shopping it’s becoming more available and affordable.
Plus, more stores are offering organic products that they deliver to your home. It makes it easy to price check to find the lowest prices. I live in a rural area so it’s nice to order online and have it delivered to my home also it saves me gas for my car.
Save On Organic Meat
Organic meat is usually the biggest expense when shopping. You should be eating vegetables and less meat. However, organic meat is still very expensive.
I only buy organic meat when it’s on sale. My grocery store likes to clear out it’s older meats on Thursdays before the weekend rush. That means… I’m there bright and early on Thursday mornings stocking up to put in my freezer. I rarely buy meat at normal prices.
Never Leave the House Hungry
I’m sure you’ve heard this before but… never leave the house hungry. When you’re hungry everything looks good. And, when you’re eating a strict diet there aren’t that many quick options. When you’re hungry it will be too tempting to buy something you shouldn’t eat. Plus, you’ll only regret it later.
Try one of these grocery store tips to help you save money!

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