Last Updated on April 4, 2024 by Cathy

Doctors believe multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease. Which means the body is mistakingly attacking itself. However, this is not true.
Your body is not attacking itself, it’s fighting to be healthy. The real cause of MS is due to a viral infection called Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
Your body is not attacking itself, it is attacking a pathogen.
Epstein-Barr Virus
Researchers have suspected EBV had something to do with MS since the 1970s. In January 2022, a 20-year study came out stating EBV is the main cause of MS. They found, that out of 801 people with MS only one did not have EBV.
To learn more about the study read:
EBV is sneaky, it likes to hide so your immune system has a hard time finding it. Getting rid of EBV is not easy and it will take a lot of effort on your part. The more you do to help your body, the faster your body will heal.
Food Is Medicine
Lowering your viral load is the key to healing and you start by removing food that feeds the pathogen. This will allow your body to heal faster.
One study found children who consumed beans, red meat, and fruit juices daily had a higher risk for EBV. The study also found adolescents who ate low-quality food had a higher risk of EBV.
Diet plays an important role in a person’s immune system to fight EBV.
Voids to avoid include:
- Artificial flavors and sweeteners
- Dairy
- Gluten
- Grains
- Legumes (beans, peanuts, soy)
- Processed foods
- Refined carbohydrates and sugar
- Refined seed oils such as canola oil
Lower your intake of animal proteins and increase your intake of vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants that protect you from diseases. An antioxidant diet can kill EBV and stop MS from progressing.
It sounds as if there is nothing left to eat but there is plenty of clean, whole foods you can enjoy.
Foods high in antioxidants (in alphabetical order):
- Apricots
- Artichoke
- Basil
- Blackberries
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Cherries
- Cinnamon
- Cloves
- Cranberries
- Figs
- Flaxseeds, ground
- Kale
- Oranges
- Oregano
- Plums
- Pecans
- Pistachios
- Raspberries
- Red cabbage
- Sesame seeds
- Spinach
- Strawberries
- Walnuts
- Winter squash
Eat wild blueberries every day for brain health. They have two times the antioxidants of regular blueberries. You can find wild blueberries in the frozen section in grocery stores.
Herbs That Kill EBV

Killing EBV is hard and food alone won’t work, you need to add herbs. Herbs for EBV include Cat’s Claw, Lemon Balm, and Licorice Root.
I buy them in tincture form (make sure they are alcohol-free). You can find them on Amazon. You can also get them in powder form to add to a smoothie. Or buy dried lemon balm and licorice root to make tea.
Help your body detox by drinking herbal teas, I like Detox tea by Yogi. another tea that helps is Red Clover. Rose Hips & Hibiscus is good for people with MS because it has neuroprotective benefits. Try drinking these teas daily.
If you have severe seasonal allergies you should avoid red clover tea.
Supplements That Get Rid of EBV
My functional medicine doctor has me taking UltraVir-X by Biotics Research for EBV. Other helpful supplements include:
Vitamin C IV kills EBV although, you have to go through a doctor for this procedure.
Remove Heavy Metals

We’re exposed to heavy metals in many ways. Heavy metals like mercury can increase your risk of developing neurological issues.
You are exposed to heavy metals if you:
- Eat non-organic fruits and vegetables
- Get MRIs with contrast
- Have silver fillings in your teeth
- Live in an area with heavy traffic
- Live in an older home that has lead water pipes
- Sit on furniture
- Smoke
- Take certain medications
- Wear cosmetics
- Work or live under fluorescent lights, especially in older buildings
It is impossible to completely avoid heavy metal exposure. However, you can remove heavy metals from your body by eating certain foods.
You can learn more about mercury here: The Shocking Truth About Mercury And MS
Foods that remove heavy metals:
- Beets
- Cilantro
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Lemon
- Pectin-rich foods such as apples, citrus fruits, and pears
- Spirulina
- Turmeric
- Wild blueberries
How to Heal Your Body

Stopping the progression of MS and reversing symptoms is hard. It takes a lot of determination and discipline but it is possible. Since EBV is the main cause of MS, work on removing EBV from your body.
Drink a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning. It not only helps dehydrate you, but it is also a good source of vitamin C. High-dose intravenous vitamin C helps to kill EBV. Lemon water also aids in bringing up your stomach acid to help your body absorb nutrients.
You can learn more about stomach acid here: Facts About Low Stomach Acid You Need To Know
How to help your body:
- Eat the foods and take the supplements listed above
- Detoxify your body with herbs, exercise, use an infrared sauna, or soak in a tub with Epsom salt
- Lower your stress
I also wear a Taopatch on each foot to help detox my liver. If you are unfamiliar with Taopatch they are small patches you wear on your body. It uses light therapy and acupuncture to stimulate the nervous system.
The patches help people with MS. Such as improving balance and mobility and reducing pain and spasticity. The first time I wore it after ten minutes I was able to lift my legs twice as high. You can see a video on the Resource page.
How To Get Rid of EBV
Do everything you can to kill off the virus invading your body. Eating right, detoxifying, and helping your liver are important steps to healing. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit.
Here is a sample of what I eat in one day:
- Upon rising – lemon water
- 30 minutes later – celery juice
- Breakfast – detox smoothie with bananas, spirulina, and wild blueberries
- Morning snack – apple
- Lunch – large salad
- Afternoon snack – carrots, cucumber slices, or any other veggie
- Dinner – vegetable soup
The first step in stopping the progression of MS is knowledge. Knowing that EBV is the main culprit to the onset of MS gives you the power to do something. Because EBV is easy to catch and hard to detect most people don’t even know they have it.
To get rid of EBV you need to eat certain vegetables and fruits to help your body heal. Be aware, that healing the central nervous system takes time so don’t get discouraged if it takes a while. Supplementation can help speed up the process.
You can recover from MS!

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Researchers shed light on link between diet, Epstein-Barr
Photos courtesy of Pexels and Pixabay.
How To Get Rid of EBV