Last Updated on January 29, 2025 by Cathy

The cause of multiple sclerosis (MS) is due to chronic inflammation. You may have a genetic predisposition but it is environmental factors that triggered your MS.
Acute inflammation is how your body helps speed up the healing process. Chronic inflammation is long-term inflammation that lasts months, years, and even a lifetime. In today’s world, it is nearly impossible to avoid chronic inflammation.
Fortunately, by living a healthy lifestyle you can reduce and reverse chronic inflammation. That includes diet, infectious agents, vitamin deficiencies, and where you live. Obesity in childhood and adolescence also increases the risk of developing MS.
Did you know smoking increases your risk for MS? Even secondhand smoke increases a person’s risk. Cigarette smoke also causes MS to progress faster. If you or a loved one smokes it is extremely important to stop.
A 2022 study found out of 801 people with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), only one did not have EBV. They believe EBV is the main cause of MS. However, nearly 95% of all adults worldwide have EBV and only a small percentage have MS.
This proves something else is involved, what that is exactly is unclear. Researchers do know it is environmental factors that contribute to MS. And it’s not one single risk factor, it is a number of events that lead to MS.
If you would like to learn more read Epstein-Barr Virus Is The Leading Cause Of MS
Diet and MS

Doctors didn’t always believe that diet plays a role in MS. When I told my neurologist back in 2005 I was going to use diet to manage my MS he was not happy. He told me “diet doesn’t work.” Today, many doctors believe people with MS need to eat a healthy diet.
There are many diets for MS and I have been on many of them. Unfortunately, not one diet reversed my MS symptoms. It wasn’t until I adjusted the diet to fit my needs that some of my symptoms reversed.
I found starting with an anti-inflammatory diet is best. Then start paying attention to your body and adjust the diet to your needs. For example, if you have any food sensitivities you need to remove them.
Foods to avoid:
- Dairy
- Gluten/grains (you can reintroduce gluten-free grains after you heal your gut)
- Legumes
- Heavily processed foods
- Refined carbohydrates and sugar
- Soda
You may also need to eat a low-carb, low-histamine, or low-mold diet. Food affects people in different ways so adjust your diet.
You do need to include lots of vegetables. This is where you will receive your vitamins and minerals. Studies found people with MS are nutrient deficient in many nutrients.
Trace Minerals
For several years my doctor said I was nutrient deficient yet she never tested me. I ate a healthy diet with lots of vegetables so I didn’t understand why I struggled to gain weight. Then I decided to take matters into my own hands and get tested.
My hair analysis test showed I was deficient in all micronutrients. It turns out, I had low stomach acid which helps you digest your food and absorb nutrients. Low stomach acid happens for many reasons including having an autoimmune disease.
In the image below, the gray bars should be halfway between the white section.

To correct this I’m eating and avoiding certain foods the hair analysis test recommended. I’m also taking a powder supplement called MediClear SGS by Thorne Research. It’s not paleo but it has many vitamins and minerals.
Symptoms can include bloating, constipation or diarrhea, feeling full early, gas, or indigestion. The fix is to take betaine hydrochloride (HCl), a supplement to increase the acidity of the gut. The supplement I used was HCl Plus from Biotics Research.
To learn more read Facts About Low Stomach Acid You Need To Know
Causes of low stomach acid include:
- Age
- Antacids and proton pump inhibitors
- Autoimmune diseases
- Chronic stress
- Drinking
- Helicobacter pylori infection (a type of bacteria)
- Smoking
- Stomach surgery
Many studies found people with MS have more bad gut bacteria than healthy people. They are unsure if an unhealthy gut leads to MS or if it’s the other way around. Either way, if you have MS, you have an unhealthy gut.
Causes of an unhealthy gut:
- Poor diet
- Alcohol consumption
- Autoimmune disease
- Birth control pills
- Lack of sleep
- Not eating enough fiber
- Not exercising
- Overuse of antibiotics
- Stress
The Importance of Gut Health
An unhealthy gut leads to diseases including MS. When you fix your gut, you heal MS. Like Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” Heal your gut and you heal your body.
Remove any food that causes a bad reaction. Such as acne, bloating, headache, gut pain, rash, etc. Try an elimination diet to find foods you may be sensitive to. This is how I found out I was sensitive to sweet peppers and tomatoes.
Suppose you are still struggling to find the culprit as your doctor for a food sensitivity test. You could also buy an at-home test such as Everlywell or 5Strands.
Functional Medicine
Functional medicine providers have a four-step protocol. It’s called the 4 R’s to get your digestive system back into balance.
- Remove foods that cause inflammation allowing Candida, bad bacteria, and parasites to thrive. Everybody is different, so pay close attention to foods that cause problems. Remove gluten, dairy, processed foods, refined sugar, and refined oils.
Stay away from pesticides, antibiotics in your food, and growth hormones, these all lead to a leaky gut. You may need to start an elimination diet, this is how I discovered I was sensitive to nightshades. - Replace the bad with healthy foods that include lots of fruits and vegetables. Don’t be afraid of eating fruit, whole fruits DO NOT spike your blood sugar.
- Reinoculate by restoring the gut with beneficial bacteria. Eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables will supply your gut with healthy bacteria.
- Repair the damage. Over time the gut lining of the intestinal tract will begin to tighten and keep toxins out.
If needed, work with a functional medicine provider to help tailor the diet for you. They will also recommend any supplements to fit your needs. Check out the Functional Medicine website to find a doctor in your area. Thanks to video communications many doctors take patients from anywhere.
The Key to Reversing MS
The key to reversing MS is getting to the root cause. If you discover your root cause you have the potential to reverse your MS. I have to tell you, it is NOT easy. Plus, the central nervous system is one of the slowest systems to heal.
The cause of MS is multi-factorial. Meaning there is more than one cause.
Possible triggers to MS:
- Diet (processed foods, refined sugar, refined carbs, food allergies, etc.)
- Infections (bacterial overgrowth, parasites, viruses, and yeast overgrowth)
- Environmental Toxins (heavy metals, mold, pesticides, etc.)
- Chronic Stress (especially emotional stress)
- Hormones (cortisol, insulin, vitamin D – yes, it’s a hormone)
- Genetics (you can’t change your genes but you can change your gene expression by living a healthy lifestyle)
For me, it was due to fungi, mycotoxins, and yeast overgrowth (Candida). Doctors linked Candida with MS decades ago. According to one study:
“The results of this single study suggest that Candida species infection may be associated with increased odd of MS.” – PubMed
What led to my MS:
- I was born with the HLA DRB1*1501 gene
- Given antibiotics starting from a baby throughout my childhood
- Ate the standard American diet (SAD)
- Had chronic stress
This led to sugar cravings, poor gut bacteria, yeast overgrowth, and mycotoxins. Plus, food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies, hormone unbalance, and heavy metals (mercury). I was a mess.
Here is an image of my DNA test:

If you would like to learn more about my DNA test read DNA Test For Multiple Sclerosis
Fix Your Gut to Heal MS
Many studies have looked into the gut microbiomes of people with MS. They found people with MS have more bad gut bacteria than healthy people. It’s unknown if MS causes an unhealthy gut or if it’s the other way around.
Whichever, people with MS have an unhealthy gut. An unhealthy gut increases inflammation, MS is caused by chronic inflammation. By improving the gut microbiome MS symptoms can improve.
Fix your gut and your body will heal.
To reverse MS you need to get to the root cause. Start by eating a healthy diet and living healthy. To heal MS you need to fix your gut. Exercise, get plenty of sleep, balance your hormones, remove any infections, and stay positive. It doesn’t matter how low you’ve had MS you can always heal. I had severe heat intolerance for about twenty years and could reverse it.
Be kind to yourself, if you slip up continue on. Don’t be hard on yourself, toxic thoughts produce toxic chemicals. Reduce your stress, and see a professional if needed.
The ultimate cause of any disease is stress.
Stopping MS from progressing is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work and discipline. Sometimes you may feel like giving up but don’t. The only other option is to let MS continue to ravage your body which leads to severe disabilities.
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Images by alyoshine from Pixabay and Mordo Bilman on Unsplash
How to Fix Your Gut to Heal MS