Last Updated on November 27, 2023 by Cathy

Every day you encounter huge amounts of toxin exposure. Our liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system become overwhelmed. The toxins then enter fatty tissue including the brain and central nervous system.
This leads to chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.
Having multiple sclerosis (MS) means you have a leaky gut. A leaky gut happens when the gut lining separates. This allows undigested food particles, toxins, and bugs to escape into the bloodstream. There are many different reasons you may have a leaky gut:
- Antibiotics
- Bacterial imbalance (dysbiosis)
- Candida
- Chemotherapy
- Chronic stress
- Heavy alcohol use
- Genetic predisposition
- Lyme disease
- NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
- Parasites
- Poor diet
Studies show that a leaky gut plays a role in MS along with other autoimmune diseases. Most healthcare providers don’t know enough about the importance of gut health. Having a leaky gut makes it harder for the liver to do its job.
Help Your Liver Detox
The liver’s job is to store vitamins and minerals to feed every cell in your body. It also detoxifies toxins such as air pollution, heavy metals, and pesticides. A leaking gut feeds more toxins to the liver causing the liver to become overwhelmed.
Your job is to help your liver detox so the toxins aren’t released back into your system. For some people, like me, their body is a slow metabolizer making it hard to detox. I discovered this when I took the 23andMe Health DNA test.
If you have a gene mutation your body’s detox process isn’t functioning properly. The MTHFR gene (no it’s not a swear word) is an enzyme used in a process called methylation.
An MTHFR mutation can also lead to a high level of homocysteine which is a common amino acid. High levels of homocysteine can lead to low levels of vitamin B6, B12, and folate. It’s also an indicator of heart disease.
Conventional doctors say normal homocysteine levels are from 4 to 15 micromoles/liter (µmol/L). My first homocysteine blood test was at 11 µmol/L (see image below). Dr. Terry Wahls, the author of The Wahls Protocol, recommends 4-6.5 µmol/L.

You can ask your doctor for a homocysteine blood test. Or use an online lab like Health Testing Centers or Walk-in Lab. I found the online lab to be very easy to use and less expensive than going through my doctor.
Help Your Body to Detox
I used herbs to help my body detox. Sometimes your body can’t keep up with the detoxification. When this happens the toxins get reabsorbed back into your bloodstream.
Also known as the Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction which can last for hours, even days. If you do start feeling worse it’s important to back off to let your body recover. After a few days start back up slowly. – Don’t go faster than your body can handle.
Also, it’s a good idea to not start an herbal detox if you’re constipated. You should have one or more bowel movements each day to remove toxins. Constipation becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, parasites, viruses, and yeast/fungi.
How to Detox Using Herbs
The best method to detox is by drinking enough filtered water. I know this is hard if you’re dealing with bladder issues but staying hydrated helps to flush out toxins. Plus dehydration can cause other health issues such as:
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Decreased urine output or dark urine
- Dizziness
- Dry eyes
- Dry mouth
- Inability to sweat
- Increased thirst
- Rapid heartbeat
- Very dry skin
The recommended amount of water intake is to drink half your weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should drink 75 ounces of water each day. I lose track of how many ounces I’m drinking each day. So… to keep it simple I fill up a glass jar in the morning and drink the water throughout the day. It’s much easier than keeping track.
Detox Using Herbs
Herbs are another great way to detox. There are many different herbs and many different ways to take the herbs. You can take them as a supplement, tea, or powder form, or sprinkle them on your food – I use all methods. I always use herbs in my food and in my smoothies. As I was fighting my yeast overgrowth I used antifungal herbs and herbs to lower my blood sugar. – Candida feeds on blood sugar.
Antifungal herbs:
- Berberine
- Caprylic Acid (coconut oil)
- Cinnamon
- Cloves
- Garlic
- Olive leaf extract
- Oregano
- Pau d’arco
- Turmeric
If you’re on any medications speak with your doctor before taking any herbal supplements. Even green tea can interact with some prescription medications.
Don’t Stop Moving!

Exercise can also help your body detox. It helps to get the circulation and lymphatic system moving. Even light exercise like walking around your home helps. Exercising also helps to relieve stress. My favorite is the online gym for MS called OptimalBody Personal Fitness. The owner, David Lyons, also has MS so he knows which exercises work.
Take Deep Breaths
You may not realize this but taking deep breaths also removes toxins from your body and it’s so simple. Plus, it releases endorphins, our feel-good hormone. – It helps relieve pain and stress.
Deep breathing exercise:
- Every hour breathe in four deep breaths
- Breathe in through your nose for a few seconds
- Hold it for a few seconds
- Blow out through your mouth as if you’re warming your hands
- Try to do this exercise several times each day.
Does sweat remove toxins?
Not everyone agrees that sweating is a good way to remove toxins. Although, studies have found that sweating does release harmful toxins such as heavy metals and mycotoxins.
Sweating offers potential and deserves consideration, to assist with removal of toxic elements from the body.
Sweating is a good way to remove toxins unless you are heat intolerant. When I was trying to detox from candida I had severe heat intolerance. My whole body would start to shut down so this wasn’t something I did.
Sleep Improves Your Immune System
Sleeping is another problem for many people with MS. We’ve all heard how important it is to get eight hours of sleep but it’s not always easy. I have had sleep issues and my son who is a type 1 diabetic really has problems.
I have tried, and it did help but it may not help everyone. Chamomile tea or Bedtime herbal tea may help. But if it keeps you up all night going to the bathroom you should avoid it.
I wash my bedsheets with essential oils like Lavender and Sleep Tight. Keeping your bedroom cooler and dark also helps. Don’t keep your room completely dark and risk falling during the night.
Getting some sunshine in the morning or just being outdoors helps your body to relax. Stay off of all electronics for a couple of hours before going to bed. Don’t watch an exciting movie or TV show just before bed. Listen to calming music or read a book (not too intense).
Quick Links To Information In This Post:
Tips To Heal Your Leaky Gut
What Is Candida And How It Is Affecting You
10 Warning Signs That You’re Dehydrated
Stress is a Toxin
No matter how hard you are working at removing toxins, if you are under a lot of stress it will hold you back. About nine months after I started my herbal protocol I started having a lot more stress. This caused my symptoms to stop reversing.
Stress is a toxin!
Support your body, detox your liver, heal your gut, and take care of your emotional health. These are all essential ways to keep inflammation under control.

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