Last Updated on December 7, 2023 by Cathy

Researchers linked multiple sclerosis (MS) with poor gut health. In other words, not enough good bacteria living in the gut. You can turn this around by learning which foods to avoid for gut health.
So, why is gut health so important?
Up to 80% of your immune system lies within your gut. A “leaky gut” allows toxins to pass the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. It is the root cause of many health issues. Including skin disorders to autoimmune diseases like MS, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease.
Grains, sugar, alcohol, and overuse of antibiotics create an imbalance of good bacteria. It allows a bacterial and yeast overgrowth called Candida to get out of control.
A leaky gut can lead to:
- Autoimmune diseases
- Brain fog
- Chronic fatigue
- Insomnia
- Mood swings
- Skin issues
- Sugar cravings
Gut-Brain Connections
Have you ever had that gut feeling? Or does your gut get upset when you’re stressed? There’s a reason for that. Our brain has a direct effect on our gut.
Even when you start to think about food, your stomach starts to growl. The connection goes both ways. When your gut isn’t working properly it sends signals to your brain. Researchers
discovered a link between poor gut health to anxiety, depression, and stress.
Yeast overgrowth produces a toxic byproduct called acetaldehyde. It’s similar to carbon dioxide, when there’s too much it’s like having alcohol poisoning.
Another toxin created by Candida is gliotoxin. It destroys cells and tissue throughout the body including the liver. Researchers discovered that people with MS have higher levels of Gliotoxin. Gliotoxin protects Candida allowing it to grow stronger.
To learn more about Candida read:
• The Connection Between MS and Candida
• How to Tell If You Have Candida
You have the power to make changes in your diet. Learn which foods to avoid and start eating clean whole foods to regain your health.
Gluten is a huge contributor to a leaky gut in people with autoimmune diseases. Our bodies have a hard time digesting the proteins in gluten which crosses the gut barrier. Studies have linked MS to gluten sensitivity as being a trigger. Unfortunately, gluten is in many products from baked goods to personal care products. It will take some effort to learn which products have hidden gluten in them.
You can start by avoiding wheat, barley, corn, rice, and rye oats. Just about all processed foods and grains have the risk of gluten contamination. For your gut health, it’s best to eat foods that are only whole and unprocessed.
Conventional dairy products contribute to a leaky gut and gut dysbiosis. Farmers give cows growth hormones and antibiotics which pass on to you. It’s highly allergenic for many people. Lactose in milk raises insulin levels, whey also raises insulin levels but at a lower level. Milk from organic grass-fed cows is best. But when you’re trying to heal your gut it’s best to avoid all milk products initially.
Processed Foods
Avoid all processed foods. Including prepackaged foods, ready-to-eat foods, or boxed foods. Processed foods include artificial ingredients, preservatives, and other unhealthy ingredients. The more the food is overly processed the fewer nutrients it has.
They include cereals, microwave popcorn, or pre-made dinners like microwave meals. No canned items like soups, vegetables, beans, or sauces. Avoid soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, milk, or alcohol. No fast food restaurants or pizza delivery. No cakes, candies, ice cream, candied nuts, or chips.
Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners
Refined sugar and any foods containing sugar. Such as dextrose, fructose, lactose, etc. feed yeast and bad bacteria. These are extremely harmful to your brain and your health, they have no nutritional value. They mess with your blood sugar levels and suppress your immune system.
Artificial sweeteners are not a good sugar substitute. They have ingredients that increase inflammation and your digestive system suffers. Candida overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth, and cancer all feed off sugar. Many people with MS have Candida or bacterial overgrowth without even realizing it.
Many recent studies have linked too much bacteria in the guts of people with MS. In other words, not enough good bacteria.
This could lead to the testing of an oral treatment that provides beneficial bacteria to reset the immune system in people with MS.
– National MS Society
This even includes too many natural sugars like honey or maple sugar. Don’t eat a lot of high-sugar fruits like pineapple, bananas, oranges, or grapes. Instead eat fruits lower in sugar like organic berries, green apples, lemons, and limes.
Legumes are a protein that comes from a pod such as lentils, peas, peanuts, and soybeans. They are often used as a meat alternative although they are more like a grain than a true protein source. For most people, legumes don’t seem to cause a problem but for some, it does due to lectins.
Lectins are a protein that is difficult to digest. Eventually, it can cause a leaky gut leading to autoimmune diseases. For people with an autoimmune disease, it’s best to avoid legumes from your diet forever.
Refined Vegetable Oils
Unhealthy oils such as canola, corn, peanut, safflower, and sunflower oils. They are in baked goods, fried foods, and many processed foods. These oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids throwing off the equal balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3s are essential for the heart, brain, and nervous system. Omega-3s also help repair the damage to myelin caused by MS. You must address this off-balance of omega-3 to omega-6s to heal.
Even some “healthy” nut oils are high in omega-6s. Don’t use these oils as often – almond, cashew, hazelnut, pecan, pine nuts, or pistachio oils. Refined vegetable oils cause inflammation and a damaged gut lining. Instead choose healthy oils such as avocado, coconut, palm, olive oil, or walnut oil.
To learn more about healthy fats read:
Genetically modified organisms known as GMOs are genetically altered foods. They alter the delicate balance of bacteria in the gut. They promote bad bacterial overgrowth and fungus.
They’re found in many processed foods, dairy, and meats, GMOs products are even in the clothes you wear.
Conventional Meats
Conventional meats are animals raised in overcrowded conditions. They aren’t allowed to roam around, they’re fed GMO grains and soy. The growth hormones make them bigger and grow faster or produce more milk.

These stressed-out animals become sick and are given antibiotics. Living in these conditions you would become sick too. When you eat conventional meats, you are eating GMOs, growth hormones, and antibiotics. If possible buy grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, or pasture-raised poultry. They live in areas that is closer to their natural environment. Which helps to keep them disease and stress-free.
Nightshades are a family of vegetables such as eggplant, peppers, and potatoes. Sweet potatoes are okay since they aren’t part of the nightshade family. Most nightshades are poisonous to humans. The few that aren’t poisonous can cause problems for some. Especially in people with autoimmune diseases.
Edible nightshades protect themselves by omitting a small amount of toxins. It’s small enough to not affect humans. However, for those with autoimmune diseases, their immune system is already compromised.
They also contain alkaloids and lectins (which we talked about earlier). Alkaloids job is to kill things (bugs and mold). Unfortunately, it includes the cell lining of your gut creating a leaky gut. Again, this doesn’t happen to everyone. You can try an elimination diet to see if your body reacts, if not you can continue to eat them. But, when you’re trying to heal your gut, it’s best to temporarily stop eating them.
To learn more about nightshades read:
Stay Positive!
This can seem overwhelming at first. Especially when you’re trying to heal and autoimmune disease like MS. Remember, the more you do to help your body – the faster it will heal.

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Foods to Avoid for Gut Health