Last Updated on November 14, 2023 by Cathy

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease where the body is attacking itself. It is also known as a neurodegenerative disease. This is where the cells in the central nervous system stop working.
However, the body does not suddenly decide to start attacking itself. Something happened to cause this. For people with MS, it is the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Researchers have suspected EBV as a possible connection to MS since the 1970s. Five decades later, they finally confirmed their suspicions.
Epstein-Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis
In 2022, a 20-year study stated EBV may be the leading cause of MS. Researchers found more than 99% of MS patients have EBV antibodies in their blood. Out of the 801 MS patients in the study, only one did not have EBV.
EBV was first identified in 1964 by British scientists M.A. Epstein, Y.M. Barr, and B.G. Achong. Unfortunately, today there is still not a lot known about the virus.
Researchers know EBV causes mononucleosis, some cancers, some conditions with HIV, and MS. If a person contracts EBV as a child it usually shows up with mild symptoms such as a cold. For adolescents and adults, symptoms can be more severe.
It is nearly impossible to avoid EBV. It is highly contagious and spreads through bodily fluids mostly salvia. Approximately 95% of all adults worldwide have EBV. If a mother breastfeeds, she could possibly pass the virus onto her infant. Some studies show EBV may pass to an unborn child during pregnancy.
EBV is sneaky, it can lay dormant for years hiding inside the body’s B cells. Under the right circumstances such as severe stress, EBV is reactivated. In people with MS, upon infection EBV continues to suppress the immune system. This leads to neurological symptoms such as nerve pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness.
A person’s first MS symptom shows up on average 7.5 years after an EBV infection. – The onset of MS usually occurs anywhere between 5-10 years after an EBV infection.
Multiple Sclerosis is Caused By a Viral Infection

EBV can’t survive without a host. It reproduces by attaching itself to cells. In MS patients it attaches to B cells and crosses into the brain. EBV then reprograms the cells until the cells burst and die.
Depending on its host, symptoms can range from mild to severe. Such as neurological symptoms. EBV attaches itself to cells and reprograms the cells. Which makes it harder for the body to fight the infection.
That’s why the immune system is attacking itself – it thinks it’s attacking the virus.
“EBV pops up in a lot of places. It is a ubiquitous virus that causes many problems. Cancer is a big one. Multiple sclerosis is now huge.” — Dr. Andrew McGuire, molecular and cellular biologist
As the name says, EBV is a virus. Since EBV is the main cause of MS this means a viral infection triggers MS.
Finding a Cure
Unfortunately, there is not currently a cure for MS or EBV. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna are currently working on a vaccine for EBV. If they find a vaccine that works, it could be the end of MS.
However, that does not help people who already have MS plus, vaccine trials take years. Finding a cure for EBV is not a high priority and since MS is a rare disease there is no rush. However, EBV is now associated with long COVID. Since many people suffer from long COVID it makes finding a vaccine more of a priority.
It takes years to release a vaccine to the public. People with MS can not wait years, they need to stop MS today.
This is why it is extremely important to start eating and living a clean lifestyle. There are pharmaceutical drug modifying therapies (DMTs) but they only slow the disease. They do not stop the disease process. Plus, they come with many side effects including depression, heart damage, and death.
“Conventional therapies for MS are based on the use of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs, but these treatments are not able to stop the destruction of nerve tissue.” – National Institutes of Health
Manage MS Naturally

Fortunately, you can manage MS naturally and it does not come with nasty side effects. Your neurologist will push you to start one of the DMTs immediately but there is no need to rush. Take your time and do your homework before agreeing to take any DMTs.
Everyone is different so you need to consider your own personal situation. If you feel a DMT is a right thing to do then do it. If you feel DMTs are not right for you then you do not have to take them, it is your body.
Yes, you will spend a lot of money on good quality food but it is worth it!
Multiple Sclerosis Diet
There are many diets for MS but not one is perfect for everyone. Your best option is to start an anti-inflammatory diet and adjust it to fit YOUR needs.
I first started the Swank diet back in 2004. I quickly switched to the Best Bet Diet (BBD), because I felt it was better for me. I switched to the Paleo Diet, the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), and finally The Wahls Protocol.
None of these diets reversed my MS.
That is when I realized I needed to adjust the diet to fit MY needs. Everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for the next.
Your best option is to start an anti-inflammatory diet. Remove foods that increase inflammation instead of causing inflammation.
To learn how to start an anti-inflammatory diet read: How To Start An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
Foods To Avoid
The central nervous system is one of the slowest systems in the body to heal. So you need to help your body to heal as much as possible. That includes removing foods even if it is temporary until you’ve healed.
Some foods you need to remove for the rest of your life. Such as gluten, dairy, refined sugar, and artificial sweeteners. Other foods you can reintroduce back into your diet once your body has healed.
Below is a list of foods you need to avoid for the rest of your life:

- Artificial flavors
- Artificial sweeteners
- Citric acid is found in citrus fruits but the additive is usually an MSG product made from corn
- Corn
- Dairy
- Gluten
- Hydrogenated fats and oils
- Natural flavors
- Preservatives
- Processed meats such as bacon, deli meat, and hot dogs
- Refined seed oils such as canola oil
- Refined carbohydrates and sugar
- Soy
- Trans fats
Other foods to avoid to heal MS:
- Avoid alcohol while you are healing since it is hard on the liver
- Farmed fish due to algae, parasites, and toxic chemicals
- Fried foods
- Foods cooked on high heat
- Grains
- Pork including bacon, ham, and lard
- Red meat, studies show red meat increases inflammation
Some experts say people with MS should avoid eggs others say eggs are okay to eat. I avoid eggs because they give me gut pains. If you want to help your body heal faster it might be a good idea to avoid them until your body has healed.
Foods That Increase Inflammation

The standard American diet is an inflammatory diet. It is full of processed foods, refined sugar, red meat, and refined sugar. It is also high in fats and gluten and low in healthy vegetables and fruit. That is why Americans are overweight and sick with chronic diseases.
Avoid foods that increase inflammation and cause diseases. Instead, eat a mostly plant-based diet and less animal protein. Add herbs. they not only add flavor but are also healing. Such as cinnamon, garlic oregano, and turmeric.

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Primary Immunodeficiencies Associated with EBV Diseases
Outbreaks attributed to pork in the United States, 1998-2015
Photos courtesy of Pexels.
Foods That Increase Inflammation