Last Updated on April 4, 2024 by Cathy

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system. It damages the myelin sheath resulting in neurological symptoms such as:
- Brain fog
- Chronic pain
- Difficulties concentrating
- Fatigue
- Numbness
- Paralysis
- Slurred speech
- Spasticity
- Tingling
- Tremors
- Vision problems
- Walking difficulties
- Weakness
Doctors believe MS is an autoimmune disease resulting from the body attacking itself.
This belief is wrong.
The body is not attacking itself. It is attacking pathogens within the body such as bacteria, heavy metals, and viruses. You can stop and reverse the symptoms of MS by removing the root cause.
There are drug-modifying therapies (DMTs) to slow the disease process. But, DMTs do not stop the destruction of nerve tissue. – MS continues to progress.
“Infectious pathogens are the likely environmental factors involved in the development of MS.” – PubMed
Epstein-Barr Virus
In 2022, a 20-year study found Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the main cause of MS. Researchers found after an EBV infection there is an average of 7.5 years until the onset of MS.
To learn more about the study read:
Nearly 95% of every adult worldwide has EBV. It is a silent epidemic that spreads primarily through saliva. When people get it in childhood there are usually little to no symptoms. People who get EBV as a teenager or adults usually have more severe symptoms.
More severe EBV symptoms include:
- Body aches
- Extreme fatigue
- Fever
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Swollen liver or spleen
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Rashes on your skin
Damage from Heavy Metals

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “The nervous system is the principal target for a number of metals.” However, according to the National MS Society, there is no connection between heavy metals and MS.
“There have been many theories suggested and researched as possible causes of MS, but many do not have enough evidence to support whether they may be a cause MS. Some of these theories are: Exposure to the heavy metals – mercury (including mercury amalgam tooth fillings), lead or manganese.” – National MS Society
- “Heavy metals induce cellular toxicity via numerous mechanisms” – Science Direct
- “Heavy metals cross the blood brain barrier and ‘may retain themselves in it.” – ResearchGate
- “Accumulation of metals renders the brain susceptible to neurotoxic insults by mechanisms…” – PubMed
During circulation, toxic metals pass through the nerve capillaries to settle down in the brain. They cross the blood-brain barrier and stay there. They are causing the neurotransmitters to short-circuit.
We’re exposed to heavy metals in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. When it builds up in our body, our systems weaken making it a breeding ground for infections.
Bacteria, fungi, viruses like EBV, and other invading microorganisms thrive in a heavy metal environment.
Heavy metals damage the brain, central nervous system, liver, and other vital areas. They weaken the immune system, making it vulnerable to illnesses.
The most common heavy metals our bodies absorb include:
- Arsenic
- Cadmium
- Chromium
- Lead
- Mercury
“Nervous system disorders are complications of heavy metals toxic effects.” – Frontiers

For centuries, people thought mercury was safe and used it as a remedy for everything. However, mercury is highly toxic. Mercury damages the nervous system, kidneys, liver, and immune system. Modern medicine doesn’t believe heavy metals have anything to do with the onset of MS. But, high levels of mercury cause neurological symptoms.
For hundreds of years, people thought mercury was healing. In grade school one of my teachers had all the students hold the mercury to watch it roll around. Mercury thermometers were in use up to the 1980s. If a thermometer accidentally broke the mercury would evaporate into the air.
Mercury is toxic to humans and animals. It concentrates in fatty tissues, including in the brain which is mostly made of fat. This is why blood tests aren’t an accurate measurement.
Places you can get mercury exposure:
- Cosmetics
- Batteries
- Dental amalgam (silver fillings)
- Detergents
- Electrical appliances
- Fluorescent lights
- In some laxatives
- Older thermometers
- Paints and solvents
- Plastic
- Printers ink
- Seafood, especially in large predatory fish like tuna
- Some flu vaccines contain thimerosal, which is a mercury-based preservative
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can release mercury from dental amalgam fillings. If you get an MRI with contrast you’re exposed to the heavy metal Gadolinium. Ask your neurologist to avoid using the contrast. Yes, it takes a little more effort to read the MRI but it’s safer.
Hat makers from the 18th to 20th century used mercury to stiffen the felt. The workers ended up with mercury poison and severe neurological symptoms. It was so common people started using the term “mad hatters disease.”
Mercury can turn to vapor at room temperature. Once it’s in the body, it passes through cell membranes and the blood-brain-barrier. Mercury is a neurotoxin that causes neurological damage.
Areas of the body mercury effects:
- Adrenal glands
- Breasts
- Digestive system
- Eyes
- Kidneys
- Immune system
- Lungs
- Muscles
- Nervous system
- Skin
- Stomach
- Testes and prostate
- Thyroid
Mercury passes down from one generation to the next. Not just from your parents but from past generations. When healing from MS, removing heavy metals in your brain and body is a good place to start.
Other Common Heavy Metals

Aluminum leads to balance problems, digestive problems, memory problems, and osteoporosis. Aluminum causes neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and MS.
Studies found arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel, and lead in cigarettes. Arsenic causes damage to the digestive system and the central nervous system. Smoking puts a person at a higher risk for MS.
Lead damages the brain, bones, kidneys, liver, thyroid, liver, and central nervous system. It causes fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, sleep disorders, and weight loss.
Since the 1930’s vaccines included thiomersal, a mercury-based preservative, to prevent bacterial or fungal growth. Contact lens solutions, cosmetics, eye drops, and tattoo inks include thiomersal.
Bacteria, fungi, and viruses such as EBV thrive in a heavy metal environment.
Lower Heavy Metals In Your Body
To stop EBV and the progression of MS it is important to remove heavy metals. Find a dentist that specializes in the safe removal of amalgams. Avoid body care products and household products that include heavy metals.
Some metals are good for our bodies including:
- Calcium
- Chromium
- Copper
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Molybdenum
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Zinc
There are several foods that help your body detox including:
- Atlantic dulse
- Barley grass juice powder is gluten-free
- Cilantro
- Dandelion
- Foods high in fiber
- Milk thistle
- Parsley
- Spirulina
- Sulfur-rich foods such as garlic and onions
- Wild blueberries
Foods that kill EBV:
- Bell peppers
- Cantaloupe
- Citrus (kiwi, lemon, grapefruit, oranges)
- Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower)
- Strawberries
- Tomatoes
Helpful supplements:
- Lemon balm to fight viruses
- Nettle leaf is an incredible anti-inflammatory
- Omega-3 DHA/EPA for brain and heart health
- Probiotic, non-dairy, time-released for gut health
- Spirulina to remove heavy metals
- Vitamin B12 for neurological diseases such as MS
- Zinc fights pathogens
Avoid supplements with alcohol, citric acid, natural flavors, preservatives, and whey protein.
EBV, Heavy Metals, and MS

A study found EBV is the main cause of MS. However, other cofactors are also involved including heavy metals. It is very important to consume filtered water to stay hydrated and flush out toxins and heavy metals.
Ways to flush out heavy metals and toxins:
- Avoid refined foods
- Eat mostly fruits and vegetables
- Eat lean healthy foods
- Exercise
- Include herbs with your food
- Lower your stress
- Reduce environmental exposures
- Sweat in an infrared sauna
- Take Epsom salt baths
Do not underestimate the power of food as your medicine to restore your body back to health.

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EBV, Heavy Metals, and MS