Last Updated on January 29, 2025 by Cathy
I use to always do what my medical providers told me to do. Get an MRI, use fluoride, get vaccines, and take the big pharmaceutical drugs. Toxic drugs such as Prednisone, Solu-Medrol, chemotherapy, and multiple sclerosis (MS) medications. Even though I followed my doctor’s advice and took MS drugs my symptoms kept getting worse and worse. In 2004 I finally hit rock bottom so I started looking into alternative health instead.
My neurologist wasn’t happy and even lectured my husband how wrong I was. That was the final straw, I stopped ALL medications and fired him. I continued a natural path that I believed was the best choice for my body and health. Today, I have been controlling my MS without any toxic medications for many, many years.
During my drug years, I had quite a few serious symptoms caused by MS. Including heat intolerance, heavy boot sensation, poor gait, weakness, numbness, pins and needles, severe cotton mouth, and more. Since using natural remedies I have reversed MOST of my symptoms. (I still have numbness in my feet.)
There is no “cure” for MS but you can learn to manage MS and stop the progression. I’m not totally against doctors but I don’t believe everything they tell me anymore. Below I have included some of the health myths I stopped practicing which improved my health. Also, there is a 5 Health Myths printable at the end of this post.
Eat a Low-fat Diet
Since the 1970s doctors have pushed a low-fat diet on everyone. For heart health, cholesterol, and weight control. But it didn’t stop our country from becoming fatter and sicker. What is missing here isn’t going low-fat it’s the type of fat you’re eating.
Our bodies need good fats such as avocados, coconut milk, coconut oil, fatty fish, and olive oil. Good fats provide a proper function for our nerves and our brain health. They provide essential fatty acids and deliver fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K for healthy skin and tissues. Avoid trans fats and vegetable oils such as canola and safflower.
Follow the USDA Food Pyramid
The food pyramid has changed since I was a kid. But it still includes a big portion of your diet including grains and dairy. Remember the “Milk, it Does a Body Good” campaign. That was a fantastic advertising gimmick by the milk industry. Milk and grains, especially gluten, can increase inflammation and contribute to a leaky gut.
When you are first starting on your healing path it is best to avoid these foods. They are harder to digest which can lead to a bacterial overgrowth and they cause allergens. They also increase insulin levels (blood sugar) which feeds yeast overgrowth and parasites.
I started following a combination of a Candida diet and the Wahls Protocol. Along with antifungals and other supplements such as vitamin D, and Omega-3. This is when my MS symptoms began to reverse!
Get a FREE printable: 5 Health Myths</a> – Busted!
Use Sunscreen
Sunscreens are full of toxic chemicals that are absorbed into our bodies. Several of these chemicals are possible endocrine disruptors. They affect the reproduction system, and thyroid, and cause allergens. To see more information on sunscreen safety check out the EWG’s website.
People have been coating themselves with sunscreen for decades. Unfortunately, there is now an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. We get vitamin D from the sun, the further away a person lives from the equator the higher the risk of MS. It is important to get your vitamin D levels tested and start taking a vitamin D3 supplement.
Now, I go outdoors with no sunscreen. I either stay in the shade getting a little sunshine or I wear coconut oil since it acts as a mild sunblock. But, be careful not to spend too much time out in the sun especially if you are heat intolerant.
Brush with Fluoride
Dentists have been pushing fluoride my entire life, I was even given fluoride drops as an infant. Fluoride is in our toothpaste and our city’s drinking water. Yet it contains potential neurotoxicity. Even federal health officials advised local governments to lower the amount of fluoride in our city water supplies.
I stopped using store-bought toothpaste. Plus, I told my dentist I did not want any fluoride treatments years ago. I’m lucky because I have well water so I don’t have fluoride in my drinking water. You can purchase a water filter that attaches to your faucet or as a pitcher to help remove fluoride.
Now I just brush my teeth with coconut oil mixed with baking soda. The baking soda scrubs and brightens your teeth. And the coconut oil helps kill any bacteria in your mouth. You can even add a few drops of essential oils for flavor such as peppermint.
Get the Flu Shot
Every year just before the cold season hits it seems like everywhere you go someone is wanting to give you the flu vaccine. According to the CDC, these vaccines have egg, formaldehyde, MSG, and heavy metals in them. Getting a flu vaccine does not guarantee you won’t get the flu, many people still get the flu after getting the shot. I’m sensitive to eggs so I always avoided the vaccine anyway.
You Need to Start MS Drugs Immediately
Betaseron was the first disease-modifying therapy for MS. It came out in 1993 followed by Avonex, Coppaxion, and Rebif, which were known as the CRAB drugs. I actually had MS before there were any medications. But once they came out my neurologist became a drug pusher.
Eventually, I started Avonex and I HATED it. I became severely depressed, I even had suicidal thoughts. It wasn’t until later I realized it wasn’t me it was a side effect of the drug. It also made my MS flares stronger and closer together.
You need an MRI with Contrast
How many MRIs have you received in your life, two, three, ten? Neurologists love to give MRIs, I used to get one every year. I hated them, it wasn’t being enclosed in that small tube or listening to that loud noise. It was lying on that hard table for 45 minutes unable to move. Afterward, my back hurt so bad I couldn’t even sit up without help. Plus, the room was so cold I shivered the entire time.
MRIs come with certain health risks. Due to the strong magnet, people with pacemakers, cochlear implants, or any surgical clips, metal, screws, or wires should avoid MRIs. I fell several years ago and severely broke my elbow. To piece it back together I have lots of metal and wires permanently there.
But I stopped getting MRIs years before that happened. I did not want the other serious side effects. The contrast dye called Gadolinium is a heavy metal that’s why the MRI is picking it up. Some people are allergic to the dye causing a serious reaction or even death.
Gadolinium can linger in the body for months even years after receiving the drug. This metal ends up in our brains! Even though researchers say it doesn’t cause any harm, heavy metals SHOULD NOT be in our brains. Heavy metals damage our nervous system! If you need an MRI you have the right to request one without the contrast dye.
Quick Links to Information in This Post:
• The Connection Between MS and Candida
• What is the Wahls Protocol?
Stand Up For Yourself
Don’t agree with everything your doctor tells you without doing research first. My family doctor recently advised me to start taking one of the osteoporosis medications after a bone density test. After much research, I decided it wasn’t worth the risk. Instead, I’ve started using a holistic approach instead.
Doctors say osteoporosis can’t be cured. But I’m sticking with a nutrient-dense diet, a good quality supplement, and exercise. That should increase my bone density, I’ll see it on my test next year. With proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, your body CAN heal itself.
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Don’t Believe All The Health Myths