I started using food as my medicine years ago and I've kept my multiple sclerosis (MS) in remission. There are many diets for MS so I'm often asked “Which diet are you on?” Throughout those years I've discovered the best foods to eat and avoid with ...
EWG’s 2018 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen
The Environmental Working Group's 2018 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list provided consumers with valuable insights into the pesticide residue levels in various fruits and vegetables, guiding them toward informed choices in their grocery ...
DIY Natural Cleaning Products
Spring is always a great time for a thorough cleaning of your home, that’s why it’s known as "spring cleaning." This year, don't use toxic chemicals, clean your home with natural cleaning products. Using natural cleaning products can help reduce ...
The Key to Recovering from MS
Researchers believe people with multiple sclerosis (MS) may have a genetic predisposition. Not that it’s a guarantee you’ll get MS. They believe environmental factors are 70% responsible for triggering MS. Changing your lifestyle is the key to ...
One Little Secret Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
Would you like to know the one little secret your doctor isn't telling you? Neurologists recommend multiple sclerosis (MS) patients to start one of the MS medications. Unfortunately, standard medical treatments for MS are toxic and don't always ...
Can You Heal From Multiple Sclerosis?
Can you heal from multiple sclerosis (MS)? Heal is a strong word but it all starts from the inside. You can put it into remission but if you went back to your old habits MS would more than likely return. Find the root cause and get your body back ...
Tips to Heal Your Leaky Gut
Gut health and the need to heal your leaky gut are important for those with multiple sclerosis (MS). Researchers have discovered people with MS have different gut bacteria than healthy people. It’s unknown the exact cause of the difference and why. ...
Are Nightshades Bad?
Years ago if someone asked me "Are nightshades bad" I would have had no idea what nightshades were. Even though I probably ate them every day. Foods like pizza, french fries, spaghetti, and tacos. But that was before I started using food as my ...
March is MS Awareness Month
March is MS awareness month to raise public awareness of multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is a chronic neurological disease that affects the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord. Throughout March, organizations around the world will bring awareness and ...
The Importance of Gut Health for Multiple Sclerosis
Gut health for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a big topic lately, there’s even a world summit called "Gut Microbiota for Health." Studies confirm a healthy gut can stop disease progression to MS and other diseases. This explains why eating a healthy diet ...