Most of the United States is suffering from record-high temperatures and high humidity. I keep reading comments on social media about how people with multiple sclerosis (MS) are coping. I'm lucky because I'm in an area that was still pretty cool up ...
Antibiotics and Gut Health
There's been a lot of news lately linking poor gut health with multiple sclerosis (MS). Our guts contain trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. When it gets out of balance it can lead to diseases such as MS. Researchers discovered people with MS ...
How to Store Fruits and Vegetables
One thing I love about summer is all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are available. They taste better and they cost less, especially if you’re growing them in your garden. The only problem is how do you store them before they go bad. If you’re ...
Why These Paleo Snacks May Not Be Healthy
Changing your diet from the Standard American Diet to a Paleo diet can seem restricted. Especially when it comes time for snacking. If you don’t keep healthy snacks around, you will find yourself heading back to your old unhealthy habits. Paleo ...
Multiple Sclerosis and Heart Disease
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease caused by chronic inflammation. It’s tough living with MS and all its unpredictable symptoms. Such as numbness, tingling, balance issues, and much more. Did you realize having multiple sclerosis puts you at a ...
What causes chronic inflammation in MS?
It’s now estimated nearly one million people in the USA are living with multiple sclerosis (MS). Fortunately, in the past several years researchers have learned a lot about MS. They believe people have a genetic predisposition to MS. But it’s chronic ...
5 Reasons to Break Your Sugar Addiction
There's been a lot of news lately about multiple sclerosis (MS) and gut bacteria. Researchers discovered people with MS have higher levels of bacteria that cause inflammation. So why is the gut bacteria different for people with MS? The exact reason ...
Staying Cool With MS This Summer
Summer is just around the corner! For most people that means spending more time outside having fun. For people with multiple sclerosis (MS) that could mean staying in an air-conditioned room. That is until it cools down again thanks to heat ...
Paleo Diet for Beginners
If you’re getting ready to change to a Paleo lifestyle, you're about to transform your kitchen. I don’t mean remodeling but I do mean changing what’s inside your refrigerator, freezer, and pantry. You even need to change some of your kitchen tools. ...
5 Steps to Improve Your Gut Health
Researchers linked poor gut health to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Knowing what to do with that information is crucial to improving your gut health and immune system. Fortunately, there are steps you can start taking today ...