There is more to multiple sclerosis (MS) than having an autoimmune disease. There's more to consider than the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve. Neurologist usually prescribes powerful immune-suppressing medications but they don’t always ...
How to Eat a Clean, Natural Diet
A clean, natural foods diet is nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory, and healing for your body. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, fiber, and healthy proteins. Natural foods consist of unprocessed foods. Healthy foods like ...
Living with Multiple Sclerosis
Being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is devastating news. It’s not fair that you got MS. You may even wonder - why? We all go through the “Why Me” phase, and it’s not fair, and living with multiple sclerosis can be challenging. When I was ...
How to Heal Multiple Sclerosis with Food
You’ve taken the first step to stop the progression of your autoimmune disease by eating a clean diet. Now it's time to put it into action and start living a healthier lifestyle, eating real food, and removing toxins. You have the power to heal ...
How to Use a Natural Approach for MS
Long before any modern medications, people used natural remedies for their ailments. Granted, modern medicine has come a long way and it has saved thousands of lives. But, medications for multiple sclerosis (MS) don't stop the progression, they only ...
7 Steps to Going Paleo
Doctors consider Multiple Sclerosis (MS) as an 'incurable' inflammatory autoimmune disease. But, many people were able to stop the progression of MS by using food as their medicine. There is a list of foods to eat and foods to avoid at the bottom of ...
Is There a Test for Chronic Inflammation?
Inflammation is the body’s defense system. It protects us from bacteria, toxins, injuries, infections, and viruses. It sends us signals such as a fever, pain, redness, or swelling to let us know something is wrong. When the inflammation is constantly ...
Does Spirulina Benefit MS?
I'm very happy with the results of my MS symptoms reversing thanks to a Candida/Paleo diet. But, the extreme numbness in my feet won’t go away. My feet went numb about seventeen years ago but I’m determined for them to leave. That’s when I started to ...
Prime Day Deals for Health and Wellness
Amazon Prime Day comes around every July! If you’re unfamiliar with Prime Day, it’s a once-a-year sale at Amazon. It’s like Black Friday for Amazon which means HUGE savings for you! And I'm talking thousands of items on sale, it even includes select ...
The Truth About Stopping and Reversing MS
There are many stories about people curing themselves of multiple sclerosis (MS). It’s very uplifting and gives you hope that you can do the same so you can go back to the life you had before being diagnosed. Dr. Terry Wahls is probably the most ...