Researchers linked poor gut health to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Knowing what to do with that information is crucial to improving your gut health and immune system. Fortunately, there are steps you can start taking today ...
Gut Health
EWG’s 2018 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen
The Environmental Working Group's 2018 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen list provided consumers with valuable insights into the pesticide residue levels in various fruits and vegetables, guiding them toward informed choices in their grocery ...
Tips to Heal Your Leaky Gut
Gut health and the need to heal your leaky gut are important for those with multiple sclerosis (MS). Researchers have discovered people with MS have different gut bacteria than healthy people. It’s unknown the exact cause of the difference and why. ...
What is colloidal silver good for?
People have been successfully using colloidal silver as medicine for thousands of years. Although it's not as popular today, holistic doctors still use it for its many health benefits. But, what is colloidal silver good for? Keep reading to learn why ...
4 Tips to Cut Back On Sugar
Many people already cut back on sugar intake when dieting. But, there are many foods with hidden sugars in their ingredients. Sugar is the most addictive food on the planet, it’s even compared to cocaine or other drug addiction. Sugar contributes to ...
7 Common Food Intolerances
Food can be very healing but it can also be destructive to your health. If you have an autoimmune disease you may be sensitive to one of these common food intolerances. For your body to heal you need to remove them from your diet. There is an ...
Gut Bacteria and MS
Is Gut Bacteria Causing Your MS? Researchers are closer than ever to what causes multiple sclerosis (MS). Many studies are pointing towards gut bacteria and MS having a strong connection. There are different triggers to MS and everyone's symptoms are ...
Foods to Avoid for Gut Health
Researchers linked multiple sclerosis (MS) with poor gut health. In other words, not enough good bacteria living in the gut. You can turn this around by learning which foods to avoid for gut health. So, why is gut health so important? Up to ...
How to Start Eating Clean
Did you know, the food you're eating could be the trigger to your autoimmune disease like multiple sclerosis (MS)? There are many triggers but food may be your biggest contributor. It’s time to put down that fast food and learn how to start eating ...
The Key To Restoring Your Health
There are many triggers to autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS). One of those triggers is the food you eat. Remove foods that cause inflammation and replace it with nutrient-dense foods. That is the key to restoring your health. Imagine, ...