Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disorder that leads to demyelination. It can lead to severe disability including neurological defects. The cause is environmental factors such as exposure to infections and smoking. In 2022, a study ...
15 Foods That Kill Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
In 1925, scientists suspected that some form of toxin or poison caused MS. They knew most MS damage occurs around blood vessels. They thought it was reasonable for a toxin in the bloodstream to leak into the brain. Although no researcher could find a ...
Medical Medium: Guide to Healing MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease. It affects the central nervous system (CNS) leading to severe neurological symptoms. What causes MS remains unclear. In 2022, a 20-year study identified EBV as the main cause of MS. This ...
Healing Power of Fruit
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease. Symptoms include neurological damage such as numbness, fatigue, and weakness. The main cause of MS is due to environmental toxins. Escaping all environmental toxins is impossible. ...
Unlocking the Power of Vitamin C for Your Health
Vitamin C protects the immune system by fighting off infections. Everyone knows it is good when they have a cold but it does much more. It also plays an important role in the central nervous system (CNS). Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease ...
Are Legumes Healthy: Yes or No?
People consider legumes healthy, but they also consider them controversial. Some multiple sclerosis (MS) diets allow legumes while others avoid them. So, are legumes healthy - yes or no? Legumes, like beans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas, produce ...
Managing MS through a Low Fat Diet
We’ve all heard protein builds muscles. It is also the building block of bones, skin, hair, and other tissues in the body. It is essential for repairing damaged tissues and building new ones. Everywhere you look there are protein bars, protein ...
Power up Against MS with Wild Blueberries
What are the benefits of eating blueberries? Blueberry consumption has more than tripled since the mid-2000s. And for good reason, they’re easy to eat, delicious, and they are extremely healthy. Especially for people with multiple sclerosis ...
How the 2023 Dirty Dozen Affects You
The "Dirty Dozen" is a list of fruits and vegetables that have high levels of pesticide residues. The list publishes annually by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Each year the list changes so it's important to pay attention to which fruits and ...
The Power of a Whole Foods Diet
There are many popular diets for multiple sclerosis (MS). Not one is perfect for everyone. However, each diet is helpful for managing MS symptoms and supporting overall health. Whichever one you choose, eat a whole foods diet with mostly fruits and ...