Whenever you’re starting a new diet there’s always a learning curve. But, when you are going from the standard American diet to eating “real food" it can feel very overwhelming. Don’t let the fear of a drastic change stop you from eating a clean ...
Is There a Special Diet for Multiple Sclerosis?
There are many diets for multiple sclerosis (MS), so many that it is hard to know which one is best. One diet claims eating low-fat is best while another diet claims a high-fat diet is best. - It’s so confusing. However, the Standard American Diet ...
Organic vs. Non-Organic: Which Is Healthier?
Eating organic has become very popular in the past several years. It’s no wonder with the rise in toxins hiding in our food including pesticides and antibiotics. While the rise in autoimmune diseases has also gone up. Once a person from a low-risk ...
5 Tips for Staying Motivated to Eating Healthy
Were you recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS)? Or you are sick and tired of the awful side effects of the medications? If so, you are probably wondering how to start eating healthier and start feeling better. And, how to stay motivated to ...
9 Easy Ways To Eat More Vegetables
It doesn’t matter which diet you’re on, Paleo, Wahls, or ketogenic diet for multiple sclerosis (MS). What does matter is the number of vegetables you are eating every day. According to the USDA’s MyPlate, we should be eating 2.5 cups of vegetables ...
Eating Healthy through the Holidays
Eating healthy throughout the holiday season is something we all want to do but it is very hard staying on track. Especially when there are so many temptations between family gatherings, holiday parties, and coworkers bringing cookies. Many of my ...
Tips to Eating Paleo on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the day we stuff ourselves with foods that cause inflammation. For most people, this isn’t a problem but for those of us with an autoimmune disease, this is a big problem. But it's possible to eat and enjoy a delicious Paleo ...
Does the AIP Diet Work for MS?
For many years I was using food as my medicine to control my multiple sclerosis (MS). Then I discovered it was possible to not only stop the progression. But it was also possible to reverse the symptoms. That’s when I decided to try the autoimmune ...
How to Transition to a Mostly Plant-Based Diet
Have you considered using food as your medicine? There are many diets for multiple sclerosis (MS) and the main focus is a nutrient-dense diet. A plant-based diet is full of nutrients that will help your body heal. If you are anything like me, ...
A Plant-Based Diet
There are many diets for multiple sclerosis (MS) and picking the right one for you can be difficult. Since everyone is different, there is no "one diet" that’s perfect for everyone. There are low saturated fat diets, anti-inflammatory, ketogenic, ...