A nutritious sugar-free detox smoothie that is tasty, easy to make, and so refreshing! You won't even taste the kale! I've been detoxing like crazy this year especially since I realized I have systemic Candida. It is so bad it is throughout my ...
How Antibiotics Cause Multiple Sclerosis
As the weather is getting colder and the cold and flu season begins. You may find yourself at your doctor’s office. Before you take that next prescription of antibiotics. You may ask yourself “is it really necessary?” According to ...
What is the Paleo Diet?
The Paleo diet, also known as the caveman diet, is based on eating food like our ancestors did before the industrialized world started processing our food. This is not some fad diet, this is a lifestyle change to keep you healthy, strong, and disease ...
The Connection Between MS and Candida
Candida Albicans is a yeast found in small amounts in the human body, it is harmless and part of the normal gut flora. However, when it is overgrown it can lead to serious health problems. Researchers have linked multiple sclerosis and candida. A ...
Easy Paleo Substitutes
As you decide to start eating real food (Paleo) and not processed foods, you may begin to realize that cooking from scratch isn't that easy, especially if you're used to the Standard American Diet. With so many staple ingredients "not allowed" like ...
What to Look for When Buying Paleo Food
Eating real food and not processed is not only delicious but it is also satisfying! When you are starting from the Standard American Diet (SAD) it can be a little overwhelming when you are trying to avoid all processed foods. Processed ingredients ...
What is SIBO?
SIBO stands for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, in other words, it’s an over-colonization of specific bacteria. Researchers at Harvard’s Brigham & Women’s Hospital are now saying that bad gut bacteria may have a direct link to multiple ...