Candida albicans is a type of yeast that lives naturally in and on our bodies. When it grows out of control or enters deep into the body it can cause many health issues. Candida infections include athlete's foot, dandruff, nail fungus, and oral ...
Food Is Your Best Medicine
What you’re eating could be killing you. If you’re eating the typical Western diet you’re eating a diet that promotes diseases. Including heart disease, some cancers, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. Don't run to the drug store for a ...
Stop Eating Gluten
Most people associate gluten with wheat but other grains can also have gluten. Gluten is a family of proteins found in grains such as barley, rye, spelt, and wheat. Gluten helps food maintain its shape, it’s like the glue that holds food ...
The True Cause of Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. It's also an inflammatory neurological disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Damage to the myelin sheath causes a loss of communication between the ...
Stop Eating Food That Causes Inflammation
The cause of multiple sclerosis (MS) is due to many factors. Researchers believe it’s due to a genetic predisposition and environmental factors. You can’t change your genes but you can change your gene expression by living a healthy lifestyle. - Stop ...
The Best Articles to Read on How to Reverse MS
Your immune system works to attack foreign invaders. Such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Unfortunately, something happened with your immune system that led to multiple sclerosis (MS). If you were to do an internet search on how to reverse ...
Earth Day and Your Health
Earth Day, founded in 1970, is a worldwide celebration each year on April 22nd. It raises public awareness of pollution and brings environmental causes into the spotlight. Before Earth Day there were enormous amounts of pollutants pumped into the ...