As you transition from processed foods to the Paleo diet, it can feel a little overwhelming at first. But it doesn’t have to feel like a huge ordeal. With a little planning each week preparing Paleo meals is a breeze. Believe me, I know how hard it ...
4 Tips to Cut Back On Sugar
Many people already cut back on sugar intake when dieting. But, there are many foods with hidden sugars in their ingredients. Sugar is the most addictive food on the planet, it’s even compared to cocaine or other drug addiction. Sugar contributes to ...
What Causes an Autoimmune Disease?
What causes an autoimmune disease? That’s a tricky question with no real answers. Fortunately, we live in a world where it’s easy to look up answers with many options. You don’t have to wait around for the “next” study. You can start doing something ...
Basics of the Paleo Diet
You’ve probably heard about the Paleo diet. And you’re thinking it’s just a fad. How can the basics of the Paleo diet reverse my autoimmune disease? First, you have to understand, that the Paleo diet is more than “a caveman diet.” It’s a ...
Candida Die Off
Candida die-off, Herxheimer reaction, is a response from too many toxins released at once. As you begin a Candida diet avoiding foods that feed Candida it begins to die. As this happens Candida releases toxins your body reacts to leading to die ...
How to Save on Natural Foods
Granted eating a diet of natural foods isn’t cheap but don’t let that stop you. Researchers are confirming gut bacteria as a probable cause of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). In other words, too many bad bacteria from ...
7 Common Food Intolerances
Food can be very healing but it can also be destructive to your health. If you have an autoimmune disease you may be sensitive to one of these common food intolerances. For your body to heal you need to remove them from your diet. There is an ...
Gut Bacteria and MS
Is Gut Bacteria Causing Your MS? Researchers are closer than ever to what causes multiple sclerosis (MS). Many studies are pointing towards gut bacteria and MS having a strong connection. There are different triggers to MS and everyone's symptoms are ...
Removing Environmental Toxins
Have you ever paid attention to how many harmful toxins you're exposed to every day? They are everywhere! In the food you eat, personal care products, and even the air you breathe. They are one of the triggers of multiple sclerosis (MS). Removing ...
Foods to Avoid for Gut Health
Researchers linked multiple sclerosis (MS) with poor gut health. In other words, not enough good bacteria living in the gut. You can turn this around by learning which foods to avoid for gut health. So, why is gut health so important? Up to ...