For many years I was using food as my medicine to control my multiple sclerosis (MS). Then I discovered it was possible to not only stop the progression. But it was also possible to reverse the symptoms. That’s when I decided to try the autoimmune ...
Finding Probiotics for Multiple Sclerosis
Gut health is a very popular subject right now and for good reason. Many studies linked poor gut health to multiple sclerosis (MS). Unfortunately, there are so many probiotics to choose from it makes it hard to know which one is right for multiple ...
Natural Cure for Multiple Sclerosis
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated demyelination disorder of unknown reasoning. Fortunately, there are things you can do starting right now as a natural cure for multiple sclerosis. ...
Is High Dose Vitamin D Right For You?
Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a vitamin that acts like a hormone. It is found in a few foods like fatty fish and egg yolks. You mostly get vitamin D by exposing your skin to sunlight. Your body needs vitamin D to reduce the risk ...
How to Transition to a Mostly Plant-Based Diet
Have you considered using food as your medicine? There are many diets for multiple sclerosis (MS) and the main focus is a nutrient-dense diet. A plant-based diet is full of nutrients that will help your body heal. If you are anything like me, ...
A Plant-Based Diet
There are many diets for multiple sclerosis (MS) and picking the right one for you can be difficult. Since everyone is different, there is no "one diet" that’s perfect for everyone. There are low saturated fat diets, anti-inflammatory, ketogenic, ...
Are your lifestyle habits destroying your health?
Lifestyle habits play an important role when it comes to your health. Especially if you are living with multiple sclerosis (MS). Researchers don't know exactly what causes MS but they do know it is a disease caused by chronic inflammation. MS ...
Healthy Diet for Multiple Sclerosis Management
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a hard disease to live with but fortunately, by eating a healthy diet you can reverse it. Eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables gives you an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. When you live ...
Reverse Multiple Sclerosis Naturally
In 2004, I had the worst multiple sclerosis (MS) attack I ever had. The left side of my face was paralyzed. I also had double vision, an extremely numb mouth, and slurred speech. It felt like someone’s hand was constantly on my head. It felt like my ...
Just Diagnosed with MS?
Those two little letters M S put together are something you never want to hear from your doctor. But over 200 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) EACH WEEK and this is just an estimate. Sometimes it can take years before a ...