Last Updated on November 29, 2023 by Cathy

Diet and a leaky gut play a huge role in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS). But, there are other factors to consider such as environmental toxins. If you’re already eating a healthy diet and still struggling you need to look at other possibilities.
Many people, can link the root cause of their MS to a poor diet of processed foods and refined sugar. Eliminating inflammatory foods is the first step to stopping the progression of MS.
However, most people, also need to address other factors. Researchers say genetics only plays 30% in the onset of MS. The other 70% is from poor gut health and environmental causes. By identifying your triggers you can stop the attack and start healing.
Possible triggers:
- Diet (processed foods, refined sugar, refined carbs, food allergies, etc.)
- Infections (bacterial overgrowth, parasites, viruses, and yeast overgrowth )
- Environmental Toxins (heavy metals, mold, pesticides, plastics, etc.)
- Chronic Stress (especially emotional stress)
- Genetics (you can’t change your genes but you can change your gene expression by living a healthy lifestyle)
The HLA-DR gene helps the immune system. By knowing the difference between its cells and cells from invaders. If you have the HLA-DR gene it puts you at a higher risk for MS and mycotoxins (mold). Having the HLA-DR gene also makes a person more susceptible to mold toxicity. It also has a harder time detoxing and recovering from mold and other toxin exposures. My DNA test showed I had a three times higher risk for MS.
To learn more about my DNA test read: DNA Test For Multiple Sclerosis
Since mycotoxins are a biotoxin. Does that mean for some people MS could be a biotoxic illness?
Mold and Mycotoxins
Mycotoxins are the byproduct of fungi (mold). They cause cell death and neurotoxins which affect the nervous system. One in four people will have the HLA-DR gene making it harder for them to recover from mold exposure.
Mycotoxin exposure comes from the air, food, and water-damaged buildings. Mold grows anywhere there’s enough moisture for it to live. Then it releases mycotoxin spores into the air.
Once mycotoxins are inside your body they cause inflammation and oxidative stress. They are fat-soluble so they can be stored in organs and tissue. They even cause mitochondria (the powerhouse of cells) to damage and suppress the immune system.
Until mycotoxins are removed they prevent the body to heal.
Get a free printable on Foods to Avoid on a Low Mold Diet. Learn more at the bottom of this post.
Symptoms of mold exposure:
- Brain fog
- Coughing
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Itchy skin
- Mood swings
Testing for Mycotoxins
To get tested for mycotoxins you’ll have to have a doctor’s prescription. Unfortunately, most conventional doctors won’t see mycotoxins as a problem. I got my test through my functional medicine doctor. You can see my test results below:

A common range of positive results for Mycophenolic Adic is 5-50, mine is at 9,147.
After seeing my extremely high level, my husband and I started inspecting our home. We live in an older home but it didn’t leak any water. We did find a little bit of mold in a window track behind a sofa but it still made me wonder why my number was so high.
Several months later, our 20-year-old washing machine leaked water all over our floor. When my husband pulled the washing machine out, we found mold exposure! The drum had been leaking for who knows how long.

Mold growing under our washing machine.
Removing Mycotoxins
Once you find your mold exposure you’ll need to have it removed. Fortunately for us, it was only on top of our flooring. But, if it’s under the flooring, cabinets, in the walls, or ceilings you’ll have to hire an expert which can get expensive.
Most experts recommend using ammonia or bleach to kill the mold but those are also toxic. When you’re trying to heal your nervous system you don’t want toxic smells floating around in your home. Depending on the level of damage you may need to change your carpets or furniture. I used a non-toxic mold solution called ec3 by Micro Balance. I even use it in my carpet cleaner for my carpets and furniture.
The mycotoxins float through the air getting on everything. Including your clothes, bedding, furniture, carpets, and household dust. Using a HEPA air filter or vacuum won’t help since mycotoxins are smaller. Not all air filters eliminate mycotoxins so do your homework before buying one. Here are some I found that eliminate mycotoxins and other small toxic particles in the air:
For your carpets, furniture, or mattresses spray them with a mold spray, once it’s dried vacuum it up. For dusting use a microfiber cloth so the dust doesn’t float back into the air. Wash your clothes in a Laundry Additive to remove mold and bacteria.
I also bought air purification candles to place in my kitchen, which was near my laundry room. But, they didn’t last as long as I’d hoped so I put a few drops of the concentrate into my essential oil diffuser. – An eyedropper helps with this.
Low Mold Diet
Once you’ve removed the mold source, it’s time to work on removing the mycotoxins from your body. Eating a low-mold diet will stop the mold from growing in your body. This includes mold that’s not visible to the eye.
Foods to avoid mold:
- Alcohol
- Almond milk (unless it’s homemade)
- Artificial sweeteners
- Chocolate or cocoa
- Coffee (especially decaffeinated)
- Condiments
- Dried fruits
- Fermented foods
- Flours (arrowroot, cassava, tapioca, tiger nut
- Food that contains mold or yeast (cheese, mushrooms, vinegar, etc.)
- Fruits (except avocados, berries, green apples, lemons, and limes)
- Fruit juices
- Grain-fed meats
- Grains
- Leftovers (freeze any leftovers immediately)
- Legumes (especially peanuts)
- Mushrooms or truffles
- Nutritional yeast
- Nuts or nut butter (Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts)
- Processed foods
- Pork (higher levels of bacteria, parasites, and mold strains)
- Refined sugar
- Shellfish (they’re bottom feeders and have higher levels of bacteria and fungus)
- Sugar helps feed mold, this includes natural sugars like honey (don’t eat more than one teaspoon a day)
- Sunflower seeds
- Tea (from tea bags)
- Vinegar
- Wheat flour
Carbohydrates, glucose, starch, and sugar help feed mold that’s growing inside of your body. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet with lots of low-carb vegetables. Include dark leafy greens, and colorful, and sulfur vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. Buy organic to avoid pesticides. If that’s not possible only buy organic if they are on the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list.
Detoxing Mold
Recovering from mold exposure can take a long time. Even though my latest mold exposure was recent I have years of exposure. When I was younger, I lived in a home for many years that had visible water damage. Plus, I have a high sensitivity to penicillium (mold).
Saunas also help to remove mycotoxins through sweat. I recently started using infrared light therapy. This is the one I bought Beurer IL50 Infrared Heat Lamp, Red Light Heat Device. Include some kind of kidney, liver, or lymph support to help remove the toxins like milk thistle. Drink plenty of water and have daily bowel movements so you don’t reabsorb the toxins back into your body.
Low Mold, Low Yeast Diet
Eating a low-mold diet won’t help until you remove the source of your mold. Some people have to take drastic measures like quitting their jobs or moving into a new house. The nice part about eating a low-mold diet is that you also kill off yeast overgrowth, known as Candida. Many people with MS have Candida and don’t realize it.
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Foods to Avoid on a Low Mold Diet
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All information is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction.
Are Mycotoxins Holding You Back from Healing?