Last Updated on January 27, 2025 by Cathy

Dry brushing is a self-care practice that involves using a natural bristle brush to massage and exfoliate the skin while it’s dry, typically before showering. The process involves gently brushing the skin in a specific pattern, usually starting from the feet and moving upwards towards the heart. The brushing is done with long, sweeping motions, and it’s important to use a brush with natural bristles to avoid irritation.
Maybe, you’ve been working hard on removing toxins in your diet by eating real food. You’re feeling better but not quite the way you would like to feel, so you start removing toxins you put on your skin like lotions, shampoos, toothpaste, etc. You also start removing toxins in and outside your home that are full of harmful chemicals and poisons.
Did you know there is a simple way of removing toxins from your body? It doesn’t cost very much and it only takes a few minutes a day to achieve.
It’s called dry brushing or skin brushing, it only takes a few minutes a day and it helps remove many toxins out of your body through your skin. It not only removes toxins but also leaves your skin looking young and feeling soft, who wouldn’t want that?
How Does It Work?
Your skin is your largest organ for the elimination of impurities, just like your kidney & liver. It helps keep the pores clear by removing the dead skin cells on top & encourages new skin cells to grow. If your skin becomes impaired and loses its ability to remove toxins it puts extra stress on other organs in your body. Dry brushing rejuvenates the skin, allowing it to breathe and eliminate toxins.
Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system which is throughout your body, especially in your armpits. It plays a vital role in removing toxins from a healthy immune system. It also stimulates blood circulation, enabling your skin to absorb oxygen and other nutrients into your body, giving you a rush of energy. Because of this “rush”, I recommend doing dry brushing first thing in the morning and not just before bed.
Dry brushing helps exfoliate your skin, removing dead skin cells, and helps open the pores clearing out dirt and residue. After a couple of weeks of doing this, you may notice your skin is softer, more youthful, and not as dried out.
Reasons For You To Start
- Removes dead layers of skin and other outer impurities
- Rejuvenates new skin cells
- Assists detoxification in your skin & other body organs
- Strengthens your immune system
- Stimulates and increases blood circulation
- Help release fatty deposits under your skin’s surface also known as cellulite
- Improves and softens skin texture
Dry Bushing Tips
- Use a firm, genuine bristle brush with a curved handle, this makes it easier to reach parts of my body like my feet or back. You can also use a clean dry washcloth in place of a brush.
- Don’t brush too hard so you don’t irritate your skin, use soft gentle strokes always moving toward your heart.
- Dry brushing can be done daily, preferably before showering or bathing. Standing in a shower before turning on the water to brush allows the dead skin cells to fall into the shower. Be sure to use a dry brush or dry washcloth.
- Start with the soles of your feet working in small circular motions. Then each leg in a long gentle stroke towards your heart following the flow of lymphatic fluid.
- Then use gentle strokes for your abdomen.
- For your arms start with your hands working up your arms and be careful in your armpits, you can use a washcloth or your fingertips for your armpits.
- Move to your back & shoulders working upwards toward your heart.
- My face is very sensitive so I don’t use a brush I instead use a washcloth, but if you do use a brush pick one with more delicate bristles specifically for your face.
- When done with your dry brush take a shower to wash away dead skin cells.
If you can’t stand, sitting is OK, or have a partner help you. The whole process takes about 3-5 minutes and feels great.
Before making a purchase, consider the type of bristles, the handle design, and any additional features that may be important to you. It’s often beneficial to read customer reviews to get an idea of the effectiveness and durability of a particular dry brush. You can find many different styles on Amazon.
Tips: Don’t share the same brush with other members of your household, periodically wash your brush to keep it clean, and don’t store your brush in the shower.
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