Last Updated on January 30, 2025 by Cathy

There are many triggers to multiple sclerosis (MS). Including poor diet, Epstein-Barr virus, vitamin D deficiency, and a yeast overgrowth called Candida. Candida overgrowth doesn’t necessarily cause MS but it is an indicator that something is wrong
Years ago, I was at my lowest point after suffering a terrible flare that left me unable to see, talk, and walk. I was so tired of my MS drugs causing my flares to get stronger and closer together. I started searching the internet and discovered I could use food as my medicine instead.
After one year of changing my diet, I was so happy that I hadn’t had one exacerbation. A couple of months later I quit all MS medications against my doctor’s advice. I went many years without a single flare but my symptoms weren’t reversing. When I heard The Wahls Protocol book was coming out, I pre-ordered it. I figured if she could get out of her wheelchair and start riding her bike again my symptoms would reverse too.
I started on level three since I was already on a Paleo diet. Following her guidelines, I ate 9 cups of vegetables each day. Unfortunately, the only improvement I had was I started sweating again. That doesn’t sound like a big deal but with MS, even one improvement is a big deal. But, I wanted ALL my symptoms gone not just one.
I started doing more research to figure out why my symptoms weren’t reversing. That’s when I realized I probably had a yeast overgrowth called Candida. I immediately bought the book “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch. I also wanted to continue following The Wahls Protocol. Since it is a nutrient-dense diet I combined the two protocols.
After three months on a very hot day, I realized my heat intolerance was gone. It was so hard to believe! I tested it over and over and sure enough, I could stay outdoors without my body shutting down. I was thrilled!
Many people with MS have Candida and don’t realize it. That’s probably why researchers discovered athlete’s foot cream helps MS patients. – It’s an antifungal. Or when they discovered a keto diet helps MS patients. – Low sugar.
You can do this too. First, you need to stop eating processed foods and sugar. Candida loves sugar and until you stop feeding it you won’t see any progress. If you are already following a Paleo-based diet it will be easy to add in a few more yeast-killing foods. If you are eating a standard American diet check out How to Start the Paleo Diet.
Next, include many foods that kill candida overgrowth daily. Getting your gut bacteria back into balance will help reverse your symptoms. Plus, eating these foods isn’t only nutritious but they taste good too.
Check out the Foods to Eat & Avoid on the Candida Diet
at the bottom of this post.
Foods That Kill Candida
1. Coconut
Coconut contains a fatty acid called caprylic acid. Caprylic acid promotes a healthy environment for beneficial microflora. It supports gut health, and intestinal health, kills parasites, and it’s a natural antifungal. Coconut oil has received some negative news from the American Heart Association. But, coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat. Making it a good choice for digestion, the immune system, and brain health.
There are many different coconut products you can use such as coconut milk, oil, cream, and kefir. Coconut kefir and coconut yogurt supply probiotics that push out yeast overgrowth. Coconut is a very powerful antifungal and is one of the best foods to eat for yeast overgrowth.
2. Garlic
Garlic dates back thousands of years. It was used to treat many different medical conditions including the common cold. Some of the benefits of garlic are found in a compound called Allicin, which is found in crushed garlic. It is used to remove toxins, fungi, and parasites, and it’s used as an anti-bacterial.
Garlic supports brain function, and heart health, and reduces strokes. Studies have even indicated garlic may prevent and help some cancers. It is best to eat garlic raw but if you eat it cooked it still offers a lot of health benefits. Eat raw garlic on salads, dressings, soups (after it’s cooked), and on cooked vegetables.
3. Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables are high in rich in nutrients and fiber. The fiber acts as a prebiotic which feeds the probiotics in your gut. They also have a sulfur compound that attacks yeast overgrowth.
Cruciferous vegetables:
- Arugula
- Asparagus
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Bok choy
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Daikon
- Kale
- Radishes
- Rutabaga
- Turnip
When you have Candida you more than likely have a leaky gut. A leaky gut happens when the gut lining becomes damaged and opens. This allows food particles and toxins to pass through the gut. While you are working at fixing your gut it is best to avoid eating these vegetables raw. Instead, cook them in coconut oil or steam them then add some fresh lemon juice and garlic. – Yum
4. Seasonings and Spices
Seasonings and spices have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. They contain many health benefits including fighting candida, bacteria, and parasites. Try using seasonings like cinnamon, ginger, marjoram, oregano, and thyme.
Cinnamon is a very powerful antifungal. It helps control blood sugar levels which candida feeds off of. In some studies, cinnamon outperformed prescription medicines for killing yeast. Oregano is another powerhouse for killing yeast overgrowth. It’s also great as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.
Cloves and ginger are other great seasonings. Garlic and ginger or garlic and cinnamon make nice combinations. It’s easy to add seasonings to all your food experiments and see what you come up with. I like putting cinnamon on all my food including my vegetables, it gives them a nice flavor. And of course, I added cinnamon to my smoothies.
5. Fermented Foods
Sauerkraut is a great source of fermented foods and is very easy to make. Making your own fermented foods is very easy to do.
Fermented foods:
- Apple cider vinegar
- Beet kvass
- Coconut kefir,
- Coconut yogurt
- Fermented veggies (carrots, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, etc.)
- Kimchi
- Water kefir
Fermented foods include healthy strains of bacteria. They enhance your immune system and help push out bad bacteria. The only fermented food to watch out for is kombucha. It’s made with wild yeast which can cause a histamine reaction.
NOTE: As of 2022, I started following the advice of the Medical Medium, aka Anthony William. He says to avoid apple cider vinegar because vinegar deeply dehydrates the body. Here is a quote from his website: “Apple cider vinegar, which is acetic acid, adds to the acid already in the body from unproductive bacteria in the gut, and can worsen existing symptoms and conditions.”
NOTE: In 2022 I read the book Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal by Anthony William. He believes fermented foods can sometimes contain harmful bacteria or yeast, such as candida, which can cause health problems in some people. (Ann Boroch believed this too.)
Fermented foods are beneficial bacteria that can help support the gut microbiome and boost the immune system. However, it’s best that people with autoimmune diseases, such as MS, should avoid fermented foods altogether.
6. Herbal Teas
Herbal teas such as pau d’arco, licorice root, or nettle leaf are great for fighting Candida. Any herbal tea with fungus-fighting spices like cinnamon, cloves, ginger, or peppermint is a great option.
Quick Links to Information in This Post:
• How to Start the Paleo Diet
• MS and Candida Overgrowth
• How to Tell If You Have Candida
Word of Warning
As you begin killing off excess yeast, your body can become overwhelmed trying to clear out dying pathogens. It’s very important to help your body out by doing different detox methods.
Try these different detox methods:
- Bentonite clay
- Bowel movement, daily
- Deep breathing
- Drink lots of water
- Dry brushing
- Enema
- Exercise
- Epsom salt bath
- Hot and cold shower cycling
- Sweat it out
Watch Out for Die-Off
As you begin eating these foods your body should begin killing off some of the overgrowths. If you start too quickly you may begin to experience a die-off reaction. Its official name is Herxheimer Reaction. This happened to me. It’s best to start slowly and work your way up to avoid any die-offs.
Try to eat many of these foods every day. I know how hard Candida is to get under control. When you eat natural foods every day your body will begin to repair itself.
6 Incredible Foods That Kill Candida
Candida is a natural part of the digestive system, you do not want to kill candida off entirely. Instead, you should get candida back to a healthy level. As a recap, six incredible foods kill candida overgrowth. However, you should avoid fermented foods until you’ve healed.

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6 Incredible Foods That Kill Candida