Last Updated on November 21, 2023 by Cathy

Having multiple sclerosis (MS) means you have a leaky gut. The gut lining normally forms a barrier keeping toxins from passing through. With a leaky gut, the lining becomes compromised and begins to open. This allows antigens, bacteria, and toxins to pass into the bloodstream.
Many websites, blogs, books, and videos teach you how to heal your leaky gut. They all have different opinions so it gets confusing. I’ve tried many of these coaching programs, protocols, and supplements.
I’ve spent years and literally thousands of dollars trying to heal my leaky gut with no luck. – It was depressing. I’ve had a leaky gut my entire life, even back into early childhood. I can’t remember a time when eggs did not give me gut pains. – Food sensitivities are a good indicator of a leaky gut.
Then I got on a strict plan writing down everything I ate and how my body reacted. It took about 5 months before I started seeing results.
There is a free Gut Health Tracker at the bottom of this article.
How to Check Your Gut Health At Home
The Bristol Stool Chart is a free and great way to determine the health of your gut in the privacy of your home. Check the image below to see where your gut health lands. You should be having 1-2 ideal bowel movements each day.

This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
- 1 and 2 indicate constipation
- 3 and 4 are ideal stools because they are easy to pass
- 5 indicates a lack of dietary fiber
- 6 and 7 indicate diarrhea
The reason people fail to heal their gut isn’t that they don’t know how or they aren’t committed. I know this from experience, like I said earlier, I spent years and a lot of money trying to heal my gut. Sometimes it’s because they get overloaded with advice. Do this… do that…
One site says to eat only raw vegetables, another site says to eat only cooked vegetables. One says to drink juices another says to drink smoothies. Instead of loading you up with lots of advice, I’m only going to suggest two different options. Choose whichever one works best for you.
First Option to Heal Your Leaky Gut

Every time you consume food or a beverage it’s going to affect your gut in a good or bad way. We can’t live without drinking water or our organs begin to shut down. Dehydration can kill a person within 3 days, less if it’s hot.
Food on the other, a person can go 1-2 months without food as long as they are properly hydrated. But, their body would still suffer, watching of reality shows like “Alone.” You’ll notice what happens when a healthy person doesn’t eat for long periods of time.
Starving yourself isn’t a good idea. It puts stress on your body and your organs plus it leaves you feeling deprived and depressed. – You’re trying to heal not punish yourself. What is a good idea is… short-term water fast.
Humans have fasted for centuries whether it was by choice or not. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, recommended fasting for ill patients.
“All disease begins in the gut” – Hippocrates
When you only consume water your gut then has the ability to heal.
To start a water fast stop consuming food and only drink filtered water. This will quickly reduce inflammation and stress in the gut, allowing it to heal. 3-5 days is best but start with a 1-day fast and see how you are doing.
The first day seems to be the hardest for most people but if you’re doing well continue. My oldest son did a 3 day fast and said it was easy after the 1st day. I tried a 3 day fast and was so sick to my stomach that I started having dry heaves on the second day.
Pay attention to your body and do what’s best for you.
Water Tip:
You need to drink filtered water not tap water. Otherwise, you could be consuming fluoride or a disinfectant like chlorine. Both of these kill off the good bacteria in the gut.
You don’t need to run out and spend thousands of dollars on a whole-house filtration system. – Although that would be nice.
You can get a water filtration system that hooks your faucet or a pitcher that sits on your countertop. I’m fortunate because I’m on a private well that gets checked regularly. But I still use a countertop water filter.
Second Option to Heal Your Leaky Gut
Going on a 3-day water fast isn’t for everyone. Some people start feeling sick to their stomach others get an extremely bad headache. The next best option for a water fast is a 3-day bone broth and herbal tea fast.
You’re consuming liquids so there isn’t food that could damage the gut lining. Bone broth and herbal teas include nutrients that help soothe and calm the gut lining.
Make your own bone broth using organic pasture-raised and finished meat bones. If you’re not up to making your own you can purchase some at the grocery store. My favorite brands are Bonafide Provisions found in the frozen section and Kettle and Fire. (Chicken and turkey aren’t as strong tasting as beef bone broth.)
Bone broth provides nutrients like gelatin and amino acids that help regrow cells in the gut. It also soothes the damage and inflammation in the gut.
Each day drink 40-60 oz. of bone broth. If you are feeling hungry add a little coconut oil or olive oil to help fill you up. If you start feeling sick to your stomach add freshly grated ginger.
Drink herbal teas like chamomile, dandelion, ginger, lemongrass, pau d’arco, and peppermint. Not all of these taste great but you’re trying to heal, I like the taste of Yogi Detox Tea. Chamomile, ginger, and peppermint teas are good for upset stomachs.
Heal Your Leaky Gut Quickly
Earlier I mentioned it took me about 5 months before I started seeing an improvement in my gut health. I did not fast for 5 months. Instead, I ate a lot of soups and steamed vegetables. I never ate raw cruciferous vegetables because they are harder on the gut lining.
Other factors go into consideration when you’re trying to heal your gut. Here are some other options when trying to heal your gut:
- Stop eating gluten and grains
- Avoid dairy and legumes
- Temporarily avoid fruit except for low-sugar fruits like avocados and berries
- Consider taking L-Glutamine
- Include resistance starch
- Take digestive enzyme supplements with each meal
- Take a daily probiotic supplement
- Do light exercises such as stretching, massage, qigong, tension bands, tai chi, yoga
- Sleep 8-9 hours every night
Fasting sounds intimidating but it is doable. Remember, you’re not doing this to lose weight, you’re doing this to get your health back.

Gut Health Tracker
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Photos courtesy of Alicia Harper and Photo Mix from Pixabay
2 Easy Options to Heal Your Leaky Gut Quickly